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Ring, Ring,

I hear you calling  but I'm in a deep slumber, unaware of the darkness slowly surrounding me

For all I know I could be in a hot desert or a frozen tundra

Riing, Riing,

You're at the foot of my bed, telling me to succumb to you

It's so easy to give in to you, to the darkness around me

It seduces me, teases me, provokes me

Riiing, Riiing

I can feel you calling out to me,

Telling me to let you get closer to me

I can feel my body being drawn to you

Like a moth drawn to a flame its tempting and alluring

Riiiing, Riiiing

I feel my defenses weakening

I'm so tired of fighting, tired of putting up a fight

It's so easy to give in to my monsters who torment me day & night

The ones who pester me, hound me, harass me to my death

I feel it coming closer to me; begging me to answer it


It's not the first time nor will it be the last

With the last ounce of strength, I beg it to stop

To stop calling, stop torturing me, to stop leaving me voicemails

It surrounds me, and I feel weak

Reminding myself that I'm stronger, better, smarter turns into an everyday chore

The day stretches into years and I feel hopeless


After everything, you're still here, making me feel lonelier than ever

When will I learn to ignore your cries, your pleas, your claims

It's a tug of a war and my arms are growing weaker

In the mist of everything, I know you'll never have me completely

I'm your anomality, a challenge to you and that's why you fight so hard to get under my skin

So I turn around and fall back to sleep, hoping to drown out the screeches

I know I haven't won the war but I'm one step closer

*Don't forget to comment & vote. All constructive criticism is appreciative. ^.^

Picture Credits: Ig @mystyle_muse

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