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They ask me to say something interesting about myself, and all I can think of is how I like to create

Create new characters, new shapes in different forms with different shades & tints

I like to create plots & story lines in alternative universes

They smile and call me "creative" & "artistic"

But they don't know the truth

They don't know I create to forget

I create fake characters with fake lives to make up for the lack of light in mine

I create noise to drown out the dreadful voices

I can barely hear myself think with all these ideas, but that's the way I like it

My head's full of fake scenarios trying to fill his absence

I create to distract myself from my own agony, to forget the unpleasant memories

Creating gives me a way to release all these pent-up emotions

Filling my head with new experiences -even if they're not mine- relieves the ache in my heart

This life I'm living was never the one I wanted but creating a new one is harder than I thought

You can keep calling me "artistic" & "creative" but all I know is that this is my journey to creating a better me

*Don't forget to comment & vote. All constructive criticism is appreciative. ^.^  

Picture Credits: Ig: @awaisha_art

Embracing The Light:  A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now