Round Two

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Three days later Danika Harvey was in the elevator of Stark Tower, now a resident that Tony had no choice in the matter of. She felt guilty, felt like a hassle, and just honestly wanted to lock herself in a dark room, lie down underneath a lush blanket, huddle herself in a ball and cry.

Just cry, cry... and cry.

But as of currently there wasn't much room.  It was entirely claustrophobic beyond reason.

There was Steve, Amelia, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor (and oh my lordy lord did he take up so much room), Wanda, Vision, and last but not least... Danika herself.

If you're wandering where Bruce was, he was in the lab already...
"Why didn't you get a bigger elevator built Stark?" Natasha groaned, to which Tony just snickered like one of those high school mean girls.
"Well I didn't exactly have in mind of creating Stark Tower as a hotel, now did I?"

The doors opened and everyone filed out onto the recreation floor. Tony immediately headed to the kitchen, Thor following closely behind. Clint and Natasha went to the television, arguing who had the right to control the remote. Wanda, Vision, Danika and Amelia stood by the elevator.

"Fury has ordered that I supervise you during the time of your stay hear at the tower." Amelia said. "When I cannot due to missions and meetings, either Wanda or Vision will be in charge of you instead."

"So I'm being babysat?"

"Do not be a smartass."

"Fine." Danika crossed her arms and huffed.

"Vision, please show Danika to her designated room." Amelia started as she pressed the button. "I need to inform Bruce of Danika's arrival."

"Very well then, Amelia." Vision spoke. Amelia went through the elevator and the doors closed together.

Wanda fixed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll just go watch tv." She said, then left Danika and Vision alone.

Danika sighed again. Vision glanced at her for a moment.

"I suppose I should show you to your room." Vision spoke. "We'll have to wait until the elevator is available. I'll lead you to your room."

Danika silently obliged, and followed closely behind.

After the small journey within the elevator there was only the pitter patter of footsteps, though all were almost silent. They turned right and a series of doors appeard, all the same design and colour, with a small light beam on the ceiling to illuminate the way.

Vision passed by several doors on both his left and right. As they neared the dead end of the hall, he stopped and faced right.

The 13th door on the right side of the hallway...

"This will be your room." He began, "If you wish, you can have a look inside."

"Uhh, sure." Danika said. She grasped the door knob and slowly turned the handle.

The door silently eased open, bright light expelled from behind the solid wood, finally free and warm.

Danika's eyes widened as she let go of the handle. The room was exceedingly spacious. Possibly good thing Stark was unimaginably wealthy. And everything with a surface as either white or a silver.

A king sized bed was positioned against the middle of a side wall, thick grey geometric lines upon the flat vertical surface told her that this was a feature wall. The bed sheets were white, the dooner a textured white surface and a dust grey faux fur throw rug was draped on a corner ontop of the mattress.

Across from the bed was a desk against on the left of the opposite side wall. The stark white desk contained a lamp and a few stationary holders, thise a space grey metal. A few meters to the right were white double doors, and from what Danika assumed was a walk-in wardrobe.

"An ensuite is situated within the walk-in wardrobe." Vision informed.

"Cool." Danika said.

"Mr Stark didn't know what you prefered, so he decided upon shade tones."

"I love it." Danika grinned. "This must be bigger than my old bedroom..." Her eyes widened. She turned to Vision.

"Will I be able to get my things from Marie-Anne's house?"

"Mr Stark has already arranged for your belongings to be delivered here."

"Oh thank goodness." She sighed, and turned around to the room again. Danika stayed silent, indulging her new room. She definitely won't feel claustrophobic in here.

"Marie-Anne misses you." Vision began. "She was worried when you went missing." That touched her heart.

"I need to make it up to her." Danika sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Does she know that I am here?" She asked as she turned around. She caused so much trouble, and of all people she probably hurt Marie-Anne the most.

"She has been informed, and will be arriving tomorrow to see you. That is if you wish."

"Absolutely." Danika insisted. "I really want to see her. Make things right again." She looked down to the floor. "I just hope she forgives me."

"She'll forgive you." Amelia began as she walked up towards the two. "If I know her, she'll be more than glad yo forgive you." Then she glanced at Vision.

"Bruce wants us to take Danika to the lab for a magnetic resonance imaging session." Amelia informed.
"You could've just said MRI." Danika groaned.

"It'll be interesting to see the results, knowing that you are capable of doing anything Amelia is." Vision began. "When will the training begin? I wish to assist Danika in her lessons."

"Perhaps in two days time. We'll have to have a start with Ultron's place of location."

That last sentence made Danika groan.

"Sure whatever I don't care let's just go to Bruce already."

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