Living Arrangements

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Suzanne pulled moss from the ground as she took peeks at the king in front of her, he had this aura about around him that made him very itimadating.

"Your Caesar arn't you...."she said softly while not making eye contact with him.

He nodded in acknowledgment

"What were you doing out in the city the first place" Cesear question wanting to know how the children ended up here.

She gulped nervously.

"We heard there was a colony with people in it but when arrived in the city we saw it was abandoned..." She said as kept eye contact away from him.

"And did he find you?" He questioned further.

"H-he found us wondering around looking for food...a-and I geuss he couldn't leave us alone..."She said as she gulped again"W-we didn't know there where soilders in the city a-and a gun went off a-and Rory started crying..."She said as tears started to fall down her eyes.

"You don't have to go on" Lake spoke.

"They are going crazy! Alpha Omega are so obsessed about" saving" the human race they killing humans and apes a-and they don't care if your childern!" Suzanne raised her voice As she sobbed.

"We are the beginning and we are the end! They keep saying the over and over " Suzanne held her head as she shook and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Suzanne it's ok, it's ok breath" Lake spoke hugging her tight.

Cornelia looked at the girl as she sobbed into Lake's shoulder with sorrow and then turned to look at Caesar who turned to look at her as well.

Caesar's eyes softened as he huffed deeply.

"What are you going to do with us?...." Suzanne sobbed softly into Lake's fur. Ceasar turned his gaze back to the girl as she pulled away from the female to look at the king"What are you going to do with us?..."she asked seriously.

"For the moment.. You'll be under Lake's care..til we figure out what to do with you, in the meantime you'll share a hut with her" the king answered.

Suzanne looked at Lake and then turned her head back to the king" We weren't able to get formula for Rory..."She said.

Cesear sighed before looking at the female Ape "Lake, take Rocket and go back to the bridge get the supplies and come detours" he commanded.

"They don't have to do that"Cornelia signed.

She turned her head to her husband "Its too dangerous to go back...I can feed him..." She signed.

"No" Cesear warned "You already have our second son, I will not place the burden of feeding another child to you" he spoke.

Cornelia frowned at this"he's not a burden he's a baby Caesar and it better then sending in apes on a suicide mission" she signed to him seriously.

"I'll sign Yuki to be the patron" Cesear signed seriously to her.

"Who's Yuki?..." Suzanne asked confused.

"Yuki was the snow ape at the meeting, she and Lake don't get along" Cornelia signed.

Suzanne then remembered the white ape that protested against them being here"I...don't think that's...a good idea...I remember she doesn't like us here...I don't think she would agree ethier..." Suzanne said timidly.

"Yuki will takes some time to get used to you, she was Connor's mate once" Cornelia signed sadly.

"I know she's blaming you, but give her time she's sorting out her grief in her own way" Cornelia explained.

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