Nightmares that Plague

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Suzanne felt herself being shaken awake making her bolt awake in panic in the reaction in thinking that one of the soldiers had found them she moved her head to side to side as she breathed deeply and her eyes landed on Heather who was carrying a crying Rory. Her breathing returned to normal and her eyes soften at the sight of the little girl who looks at the older girl with worry.

"R-Rory woke up crying...a-and I can't get him back to sleep" Heather stuttered in anxiety.

Suzanne looked at the little girl a  rocked and rubbed the baby's back in a panic trying to calm him down and then turned to the nest who had Lake and her parent' Field and Maple surprised they hadn't been woken up yet. Suzanne took Rory away from the distressed little girl and laid him on the furs that they had been sleeping on to check on him. Rory wailed as the older girl began to check him everywhere seriously.

"He didn't want to eat, he didn't have a dirty diaper, I- I don't know what's wrong with him..." Heather stuttered.

Suzanne turned her head away from Heather to look back at Rory, she knew the little girl was right as she looked at the baby she couldn't find anything physically wrong with him More like there was something emotionally and mentally wrong with him, he wasn't crying out pain or need but was crying out of fear.

"He had a nightmare Heather" Suzanne said as she picked him up and stood up to rock him gently" A really bad one...he's scared..." she said depressingly.

Suzanne looked over to the apes in the nest and she noticed Lake was stirring awake.

"Heather I'm going to take him by the waterfall...maybe the white noise will help fall back to sleep" she mumbled as she took the baby with her out of the cave/hut, Heather looked at her confused by this. Before she left she turned her head to look at Heather"go back to sleep...I'm be back when I've calmed him down..." she told the younger girl quietly.


Suzanne could hear faint sounds of water crashing upon rock and earth as she walked back and forth while rocking the wailing Rory and shushing him gently as she held him close to her. She could feel the vibrations of his cries on her chest and could hear very small sounds of it do too him being so loud. Specks of water of the waterfall hit her cheeks as she tried to keep her tired eyes open and keep her sore body from collapsing.

"Its alright's ok...its ok" she told him softly as one her hands held his head close to her cheek"you're safe... you're safe..." she said quietly"your s-safe..." she kept repeating it over and over to him as she felt tears stream down her unblinking eyes but it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than the baby, she began to sob as she held the wiggly crying baby tight to her and put her face into his hair.

She didn't know someone had woken up and been watching her and the baby in the cave. Rory started to tangle his little hand into the older girl's hair as his wails turned to hiccups and whimpers. Suzanne flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder making her quickly move away and turn around to see who it was. Suzanne calmed a little bit when she saw it it was Yuki's husband Manto.

He grunted in acknowledgment.

She avoided eye contact with him still not quite use to him yet" Rory had a nightmare...I-I'm trying to put him back to sleep..." she said quietly.

She quickly wiped tears from her cheek with a free hand and then moved some her puffy tangled hair out her face.

"I-I'm sorry he woke you up" she said as she took a nervous glance at him. Rory kept hiccuping and whimpering as he buried his face into Suzanne's hair which now had become sticky with his tears.

She felt him pick her and the baby up and placed her gently on his chest while being gentle with the baby. She started to feel vibrations coming from his chest like he was humming, not a hum of the word but a lullaby hum.

The young girl was shocked greatly when the gorilla picked her up and placed her on his lap like it she weighed nothing but what surprised her more was Manto humming had made Rory's crying start to die down and couple minutes later he had fallen asleep against the males strong chest.

Suzanne sighed in relief and let her exhausted self-rest her against the gorilla's chest as well, letting her feel the vibrations of his humming and his heart beating, them serving as a lullaby for her she drifted off to sleep but not before muttering thanks to him.

And here we go another chapter yay :D sorry it's so short but been busy with other stories lately but I wanted to make sure to post this out :) I want to thank my good friend Marianofcintra for helping with this chapter :D you check out her story where Connor's story continues called New York becomes Ape well I hope you enjoy ^^

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