Incountering a Gentle Giant

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It had been a couple days since Suzanne, Heather, and Rory had been taken in by the apes...a couple days since Connor died....while some of the apes where kind to them the young girl didn't fail to notice the hateful and mistrustful stares she got from most of them but Suzanne did really blame them knowing humans hadn't been kind of them.... though not all the stares where full of prejudice some where in curiousity due to many not seeing human childern before let alone a human baby.... Suzanne had gotten somewhat use to the female ape Lake had been taking care of the 3 them along with Yuki and her family but she was still not really trusting of anyone here yet, she didn't hate them for what they where is was just she didn't trust adults in general...they failed her to many times...the king Caesar hadn't tried to ask her any questions since that day she saw him much to her relief he intimidated her greatly with his stare alone.

Suzanne sat with her side learning against a rocky wall with her knees to her chest as her head rested on them as she gazed around the village taking it in fr her spot...though they where in the middle of war they tried to live as normally as they could...she could see gaurds go on patrol,  hunters go out into woods to hunt, apes taking care of their young, and females making baskets or sewing furs.

The dirty blonde then spotted Heather down aways near a mossy area with logs playing with the young apes which the adults called" White Tails". The little girl giggled excitingly as she ran or dragged herself through the dirt, White Tails ethier climbed over her or followed after her as they panted in excitement it looked like they where playing chase. This made Suzanne smile slightly at the adorable sight, Heather had always been so sweet even though she was born into and grew up into a world their was nothing but death and chaos... Suzanne even though born in the world before the virus got could barely remember it...she only the memories of the world now plagued her mind. The little girl thought everyone was her friend which scared the older girl half the time. Lake stood near by watching over them while holding Rory who was sleeping comfortably snuggled up into the female's fur.

The young teenager could see some of the adults watch cautiously as the human child played with their children. Lake asked if Suzanne wanted to play with others as well but she declined...the older girl didn't know how to play...she never had time to...she had to grow up fast to survive. Her pale blue green eyes just watched softly while feeling the vibrations of the waterfall slamming the rocks and ground below against her the rough wet rocky wall her cheek and side leaned against.

The older girl was very drained... emotionally and sore from her gunshot gaze...not to mention a little depressed remembering what happened to Connor...the nightmares didn't help ethier speacily with her sleep which she was lacking very much. The younger two had been having nightmares as well but they seemed to die down recently with help of Lake and her parents but Suzanne sleep conditions hadn't yet improved due to demons that still very much haunted her.

Suzanne's head perked up and she she snapped out her gaze when she could no longer see Heather. The older girl's eyes went wide as she she quickly got up and raced over where Lake was with the white tails.

" Lake where's Heather?" Suzanne signed quickly to the female.

Lake had panic on her face noticing that Heather was no where near her sight as well.

" I don't know she was just here" Lake signed as she looked around.

Suzanne wasn't surprised at this due Heather was known to "explore" which was another thing that scared the older girl most of the time speacily when she brought stuff back with her. Suzanne dashed off looking for the younger girl.

The older girl looked back and forth in a frenzy for the little girl as a feeling of dread filled more and more she couldn't catch sight of Heather, this the apes looked at her like she had gone crazy as she ran around but it wasn't long before she saw glimpse of blonde making her stop too see Heather sitting on a log talking to what appeared to be silverback gorilla.

Suzanne quickly went over to them relieved to see the little girl was alright but a little nervous of the huge ape, once she got closer she was surprised it was the same male gorilla who helped her after she fell down during the council meeting.

" I found this one over there" Heather gestured to a couple rocks and flowers of different color, she had laid out on the log and them towards a certain direction in the village, Suzanne was amazed at the gorilla's patience and focus with child as she babbled random things to him.

" Heather!" Suzanne called out to the younger girl making her turn around with a innocent smile her face not realizing she had worried others

" Suzanne! Look what I found Pretty rocks and for!" Heather showed them up in the air for her to see.

Suzanne let out a sigh in exsperation at this...of course that's why she would run off, to gather more random things in nature. Suzanne couldn't help but to feel nervous by the size of the gorilla as she got closer to him and Heather.

" Heather you can't run off like that you scared me and Lake" Suzanne told her sternly as she helped her up.

Heather soon felt guilty at this making her droop her head down to the ground while twiddling her fingers, even though she did this Suzanne was still able to see her mouth to read her words" I'm sorry..." Heather said quietly.

Suzanne sighed deeply at this and hugged her" Just...tell someone when you go somewhere...ok" The older girl told her softly.

Suzanne then looked at the gorilla" I'm sorry she bothered you" she signed to him.

The male shook at this" She wasn't bothering me, I saw her by herself so I waited with her until someone came with her" he signed stoic, this gorilla reminded her a lot of Yuki's husband but he signed more.

Heather then tugged on Suzanne's shirt making the older girl look down at her

"Luca's very nice" Heather said with a smile.

By then Lake had caught up no longer carrying Rory so Suzanne figured that she asked Yuki to watch the white tails and the baby while she went off to look for the two girls, the female was surprised to she the captain of the gorilla gaurd just as he got up from the log getting ready to go in the opposite direction.

The older girl then brought the younger to Lake who picked her up but before telling her everything that happened Lake nodded at this" Luca a good male once you get to know him, even though he acts tough" Lake signed with a smile.

Lake and Suzanne took notice of Heather covered in dirt" wash" The female said as she winced.

" Ahhhhh"Heather let out in complaint, while the younger girl like the water she didn't like to be scrubbed.

" You getting washed and that's final Heather your covered head to toe in dirt" Suzanne told her dead panned.

" I like it" Heather chirpped with a big smile.

Lake just hooted a bit in laughter at this.

Ok here you guys go another chapter :D sorry it took so long guys I've been really busy lately and I didn't have any idea what I should put down for this chapter but I'm back now and I hoped you liked the chapter ^^

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