In One Ear and Out the Other. Oi!

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The next day I woke up running to the washroom, just to knock back out with my head over the toilet. The second time I woke up I was being shaken awake by someone.

“Kat. Kat. Wake up honey. Come on wake up before you get your hair all dirty. Plez. I don’t wanta flush the toilet in your face, so get up.” By now I could tell it was Jess.

That woke me up some and I moved my head to lean against the wall with a groan. She flushed the toilet and helped me up and to the sink so I could brush my teeth.

I looked up at her in the mirror as I brushed my teeth and raised an eyebrow. “When did you get here?” I asked my mouth full of toothpaste.

She rolled her eyes. “I spent the night.”

“That smashed?” I asked after spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth.

She nodded her head. “That and I’m making sure you don’t chicken out of..” I glared at her through the mirror.

“I’m not gonna back out. That just stupid, especially when I still have to go over there anyways. Plus, I already have my outfit picked out.” I said walking into my room. “And besides that’s too cowardly of an action for my pride.” I said looking back at her as she walked out of the washroom.

She giggled. “That’s true.” Then hopped on my bed and asked, “so whatcha wearin?”

“You’ll see when I get out of the shower so help yourself to one of the other showers.”

“Oh phooey,” She huffed and walked out the room as I walked into my washroom.

So as I was doin my morning itinerary, I was trying to think out the best way to tell him. And let’s just say that everything ended in my having to pee on another stick and having his doctors check me up. I sighed. He’s no different from me when it comes to proof, if something that seems unlikely. I finished doing my morning itinerary and put on my outfit and a little eyeshadow. If you’d ask me then I’d say my choice in clothing for today said that ‘I was fine nothing was wrong with me and that I had people I had to see’. I walked out of the washroom and into my room to see Jessica waiting for me, sitting on my bed, in one of the many robes I keep around for her and Josie when they come over.

“Oooo, I like it. It says ‘I’m fine but I have business with you.’ Good choice”

“Thank you. Now I’m hungry and I don’t exactly want to be seen with someone in a robe, so borrow some of my clothes if you must.” I feigned grumpy, but she knows I’m joking.

“Already have” she said showing me her outfit. It consisted of my Victoria’s Secret New York Yankees cropped sweatpants, a graphic t-shirt that said ‘girls kick a$$’ and the matching Yankee sweatshirt, along with her shoes from last night. If it was on anyone else I would have to question their fashion sense, but on her it looked great. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as she did her silly poses.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry.” I said grabbing my shoes so I could put them on downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed bananas and my keys then walked out the door.

“Don’t tell me you want fries and ketchup for breakfast now.” She said in a teasing manner.

I paused for a second as if to think about what she said. “Hmm that does sound good now that you mention it,” and continued to walk to the car.

She stared at me wide-eyed then began to wine. “Awww you know I was joking. You can’t eat that stuff in front of me for too long; you know I get queasy.”

I laughed. “I was kidding too.”

“Well you joking right now sounds very serious seeing that you stuffed your face with that stuff just yesterday.” Jess said rolling her eyes and getting in the car.

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