You Cant Go Over it. You Cant Go Around it. So its into the Lion's Den soldier!

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Jessica lives like two minutes away from Chris's house so I didn't have much time to think about what I was gonna say to him, which meant that this would be a play by play, with a side of my maybe-wanna-kick-in hormones that make me act irrational.

'This is not good'. I thought in a sing song voice as I pulled into the driveway. I sat in my car for what seemed like forever contemplating how I should go in there. And let's just say I was coming up with nothing. This is mostly what was going on in my head:

(the dots symbolize the static you hear from a TV. And the stars symbolize fuzzy muteness.) ...........****....****crap.........********freak out*****.........ketchup.....that sound good..........**************oh I'm so dead when I tell my mom.......AHHHHH.........I'm pregnant.....****calm down****calm down****.....NOT WORKING......NOT WORKING.

*Get your butt out of this car right now.*

*Oh what I'd do if I didn't have you* was the last thing I thought before deciding, with the help of my conscious, to give up on planning and just jump into the lion's den.

So, I got out of the car and headed the rest of the way up to the door with a simply complicated yet pleasant topic to contemplate. You wanna know what that topic is.....of course you do. Its's what is on every embryo-carrying-female's mind. 'What do I want to eat?' yup that's the one.You see I don't know what they have and I don't know if it will make me queasy or if it can be smothered in ketchup. Mmmm... this really is a sad craving.

I sighed as I finally reached the door. I raised my hand to knock but it froze along with the rest of me as I again started to think about the possible equations and outcomes. You know like 'hey just dropping by to tell you I'll be carrying your baby for the next eight to nine months.... So where's your mom?' as something I would say and then him saying something like... 'You what!' or laughing his arse off thinking I was joking. Sigh. That or he's already hinted on that somethings up with me and after I tell him he's like, 'I don't want the baby' or something along those lines.

I was just about to turn back to my car, when my phone chose now as a good time to ring.

Jess: are you there yet?

Me: ya

Jess: well...!! Have you told him yet

Jess: have you eaten yet? you promised you'd eat

Me: I just got here woman! I'll tx you when I eat. geez :P

'Well I guess there's no turning back now.' Is what I thought as I knocked on the door then rang the doorbell thinking they might not hear me. Then my thoughts started to wonder again.

'I wonder if they have any of those strawberry cream cheese toaster strudels. Do I want to put the icing on or do I want it plain?' but my last thought was, 'Ooo even better, do they have any sliced frui- holy crap he's not wearing a shirt!' when Chris opened the door.

I did a quick scan of his body seeing that he had just woken up not too long ago as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. My face reddened. I suddenly felt embarrassed seeing him in only a pair of pants, when I've obviously seen him in much less. It's gonna probably take a lot more work convincing him, being that he's just woken up. Crap! Calm down all I have to do is get in, spill the m&ms, then chat with his mom and get out. Ya that's easy- all of that after I eat. The more I stood there the more hungry I got. And the hungrier I got the more I thought of the inevitable.

"Oh hey Katalina. You're early. Mom just went out, but she'll be back in about an hour." He greeted.

"Oh that's good cuz I need to talk to you, anyway. But first I'm hungry. Can I whip me up something to eat?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

Sperm is a B*tch & it Just so Happens to be Your Sperm. Oh GreatWhere stories live. Discover now