Rainy Day Memories

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Today it was raining. It is not like Ruby didn't like the rain, it is just that it reminded her of the two worst days of her life: the day they brought her to Thurmond and the day she walked out. It made her anxious when it rained and she never liked to go outside when it did. She woke to the pitter-patter of the rain on the window and reached to cuddle closer to Liam on the other side of the bed...but found it empty. That made Ruby even more unsettled and she turned to look at the clock sitting on the bedside table. 7:45 were the bright red numbers that stood out against the dark of the room. That meant that Liam was probably up and just downstairs. She sat up and slid her legs off the side of the bed forcing the flood of memories back into the back of her mind. She got out of bed on a day just like this the day they brought her to that place. The day her parents sent her away. The beginning of 6 years behind an electric fence. The beginning of being terrified that anyone would find out who she really was.

"Shut up! Just shut UP!" Ruby yelled and the storm of emotion that came crashing in. She couldn't relive everything today, it would be too much and Ruby was sure she would break. Ruby also didn't want to put the pressure on Liam, anyone else, or even herself to put the pieces back together. So she forced herself out of bed and down the creaking stairs to the kitchen. And there stood Liam Michael Stewart in front of the stove making pancakes. It made Ruby's heart pound almost as hard as the rain on the roof. Ruby walked over and hugged him from behind taking in his scent and finding comfort in the feeling of his shoulders shaking with a laugh.

"Good Morning to you too, Ruby." He turned and gave her a quick kiss before turning back to the pancakes. They were chocolate chip, Ruby's favorite.

"Mhm, I love when you make me breakfast!" Ruby said as she realized that he knew. Liam knew that Ruby didn't like days when it rained. Afterall he had been there on that day they left Thurmond. He had had to carry her to the ambulance when she had gone into shock. He had been there after she was tortured. He had seen it all. How could Ruby think that he didn't know?

"I know you do! Especially pancakes." Liam turned off the stove and turned to put the plate of pancakes on the table. Ruby also turned and saw that he had purposely set her place facing away from the window so she wouldn't have to look at the rain. That is when Ruby felt the cracks in her defenses start to widen. She had been determined to keep it together today, but seeing the care Liam had put into making sure she was ok Ruby just let the floodgates open and she began to cry. "Ruby...come here." Ruby fell into his chest and let his arms wrap her frame. "Is it the memories?" She nodded and started to cry harder. "Listen, I know that your time at Thurmond was one of the worst parts of your and on top of that it is mixed in with what happened with your parents, but you got out! Ruby, we got you out and you never have to go there again. The day we hit Thurmond was the scariest day of my life because I thought I might lose you that night. And I count my lucky stars every chance I get that I get to hold you in my arms at night. I love you! So, so, much and it's ok to not be ok sometimes."

Ruby looked up at him and instead of offering a response, she just kissed him. Kissed him like she had when he had taken her out of that place. He wiped the tears off her face and took a good at her beautiful eyes.

"How about we eat and then watch some movies?" Liam said with a grin.

"That sounds absolutely perfect." Ruby replied, a warm feeling spreading from her heart. Liam would always be there for her and she loved him for it. 

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