Liam Can Sing?!

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AN: Hello! I'm alive:) I finally updated yay! 

Ruby has heard Liam sing when he is cruising down the road in Black Betty and it has always made her laugh because he's a little bit off key but he loves it. But Ruby didn't know that Liam could really sing or play guitar, until she came home earlier than she had planned from a meeting with Chubs and Senator Cruz. 

Ruby walked up the front steps of her and Liam's home, smiling because she knew that in a few moments she would see him after her long day. He always made her instantly made feel better with his smile as bright as the sun and his slightly tousled hair. However, as soon as she put her key into the lock on the door she heard the strum of a guitar and a vaguely familiar melody drifting through the open window. She creeped up to the window trying her best to hide herself from view (something she got very good at at Thurmond) and her breathe caught in her chest when she saw Liam sitting on the couch with his guitar. His hair was a little bit in his face, his eyes were closed, and he had this incredibly sweet smile on his face. Ruby did not believe that she could possibly love him more than she already did and yet her heart swelled in her chest and proved her wrong. That's also when Ruby realized what song he was singing and it brought happy tears to her eyes.

"Goodbye Ruby Tuesday

Who could hang a name on you?

When you change with every new day

Still I'm gonna miss you"

He was singing it so beautifully Ruby could not believe it. She could still hear a little bit of his  southern drawl in the lyrics and her heart nearly exploded with love for him. She ran to the door tears still falling as she fumbled for her key, her hands shaking as she turned it to unlock the door. 

"Don't question why she needs to be so free

She'll tell you it's the only way to be

She just can't be chained

To a life where nothing's gained

Or nothing's lost, at such a cost



Ruby rushed inside and ran over to Liam and grabbed his face with her shaking hands kissing him, deep and with as much feeling as she could convey. He tasted the saltiness of her tears and pulled away more than a little surprised. 

"You. never. told. me. you. could. really. SING!" Ruby said lightly hitting his chest with every word until she wrapped her arms around him making them both fall back onto the couch. 

Liam was chuckling softly kissing the top of Ruby's head.

"I've 'really' never sung in front of anyone. Cole used to tease me endlessly about my voice when I was younger so I always thought I was really bad. But um- ever since he...died, whenever I sing I think of him so sometimes it's nice. And that song always makes me think of you and simpler times ya know?"

Ruby propped herself up on his chest so she was making direct eye contact with him and said sternly, "Never believe that you aren't good enough! I guarantee that that is not true because you are so so capable Liam.  And holy shit your voice is beautiful! My heart nearly just stopped when I heard you." 

Liam's face split into a radiant smile as he kissed her again, "Thank you Ruby, I love you more and more each day and that never ceases to amaze me."

Ruby nuzzled back onto Liam's chest, putting her head under his chin. He slowing rubbed her back and began to hum.

From that day on, Ruby encouraged Liam to sing more and Liam was forever grateful for her support. 

AN: I hope you liked it! Please send me requests if you want, I am going to try my very best to be a lot more active and update:) 


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