The Scariest Day of my Life (Liam's POV)

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AN: Hey! This was a request to write the Thurmond hit from Liam's point of view! Also I haven't read the end of ITA in a while so I'm sorry if there are little inaccuracies! 

The room was dead silent at the Ranch. Nobody moved, nobody dared, because of the rage and fear rolling off of Liam Stewart. 

"Ruby," He paused to take a deep breath, "She is risking her life to save those Thurmond kids and I will be damned if we do not to everything we can to make sure we carry out this plan. And we will make them pay for what they have done to her and to all of those kids."

A shaking Vida and Chubs stepped forward, hand in hand. Chubs squeezed her hand and she started to speak, "Ruby is my best friend and I want to KILL her right now because she should not have left. Shit, she is in there alone! But in order for me to kill her, and for us to save her, we need to get this plan started now. Liam?"

Liam was shaking now too as he tried not to think about what Ruby must be going through right now, "First, we need to send out the Amplify blast to reach parents and non-government communities. Harry is on his way with his team and in exactly, " He glanced down at his watch, "A day and a half, we will move out to hit Thurmond. Okay?" Every single head in the room bobbed up and down at his words. "I suggest you all gather your gear, train, and then sleep." Liam turned on his heels and walked out of the garage. He could faintly hear Chubs calling after him but the ringing in his ears was too loud to really pay attention. 

Liam didn't know how he made it to his room, but when he did he fell to his knees next to the toilet and retched into it. Heaving what felt like all of his screaming insides into the porcelain bowl. He rested his forehead on the lid and allowed himself to cry. He came apart at the seams replaying in his mind his last conversation with Ruby. He had been in pain and his thoughts had been clouded with the shock of losing Cole. He didn't really know what he was saying but he said that he wasn't coming back. Who does that?! Who just abandons his friends like that when they are grieving too?! Now, Ruby was in Thurmond again! Reliving her nightmare childhood and most haunting memories. And he had to wait, in order for the kids in Thurmond to be saved, he had to wait  until he could save her. 

The waiting, was the hardest thing he had ever done.


Liam heard her screams. He fought harder than he ever had, using his blue powers to crash the Thurmond guards into walls but he never fired his gun. He didn't want to be a killer, he just needed to save Ruby.

Liam sprinted down the hallway and his heart stopped in his chest when he finally saw her. She on the ground, gun in hand, but she looked beautiful. 

"DON'T SHOOT!" He yelled and realization dawned in her eyes.

"Liam?!" He slid to his knees in front of her and kissed her, kissed her, kissed her. He hadn't been sleeping or eating (despite Chubs attempts to make him) because all he could think about was this moment, the moment she would be back in his arms. She let out a bone chilling scream! It made his blood turn to ice as he looked down at her leg. 

It. looked. terrible. And blood was pouring out of it. His breathe hitched in rage, they had tortured her. It wasn't enough that they had made her life living hell, it wasn't enough that they took her sleep away from her with nightmares of this damn place, it wasn't enough that she had to come back here, they had to do this too.

"It's ok, Ruby...oh God...look at me, Ruby! We're going to get through this." 


That was the scariest day of Liam's life. He almost lost her, right after he had lost Cole. But they did get through it and they were happier now. He helped her with her nightmares as she helped him with his. It was pure love between them at that is what got them through. 

AN: Requests are always open!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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