Blind Not Deaf~29

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With a months worth of practice, Axel began to get back in the swing of things. No pun attended. Their team was qualified for championships. All of Axel's hard work and effort paid off thanks to his family and Alyana's support. The moment had finally arrived. Axel couldn't be more excited than he was now. Seeing how he started from the top and fell rock bottom. Axel has really grown since.

The championships split into the three days. Within the time frame, each team would against play against each other. The judges picked two teams according to performance and teamwork. Whoever had the most points, won championships.

Axel geared up along with listening to music for motivation. Warm ups started 20 minutes before the actual game. Was he nervous? Axel was far from it. If anything, Axel felt prepared. Winning that day meant everything to him. Baseball was his life. 

"Hold still." Alyana said and streaked Axel's cheeks with eye black. 

"Thank you." He pecked her lips

"Knock'em dead."

Axel winked and ran with his team.


During the first game, the score was down to 10-8. Axel couldn't be more proud. The crowd cheered them on. Though it felt weird not playing on their own field, Axel knew he couldn't let small manners like that distract him from winning. Some things he kept in mind was to be one with the ball. As another came to home plate, Axel hit it way out into the outfield. Axel ran as quickly as he could to first base. Making it safely, the outfield threw the ball back to the pitcher's mount. The next batter from his team began to hit. The ball once again flew out in the outfield. Axel moved from first to second base. Next batter hits, bringing Axel home.

"Yes!" He heard coach with excitement

They only had 2 more games to won in order to play against the team from up state. The Vikings. One of the best team in town. Axel worried the most about them. Though he had practice for this, he still couldn't shake that nervous feeling. What if they don't win? Axel would be devastated. But he knew he shouldn't focus on the negative. Only the good. Axel believe that his team would do their best.


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