Topic of Salvation - Notice

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This chapter will address a previous chapter called "Salvation is NEVER revoked". I edited that chapter to include an announcement similar to what I'm about to write now:

That salvation chapter was written as kind of a backlash against a statement that a guest pastor in my church said. His statement was, as best as I can remember was, "You can lose salvation if you don't obey fully to God."

It implied that your salvation is not permanent, for you who have truly received Christ. In other words, the assurance of salvation does not exist to believers. You have to fully submit to the will of God from beginning to end to receive salvation, and failure to do so will not guarantee it (I expressed this in the original salvation chapter, so it might look familiar. This time, I placed emphasis on what I really wanted to convey.)

I still have beef with this.

HOWEVER, I went about writing it with bad examples, and with less understanding of it as I do now. I've misrepresented my argument with a different argument, and as such, you've pointed out valid points in your comments against my mis-argument.

I'll be touching on the same topic again in the future (hopefully soon), but with - I believe - a more proper approach. This is not something I can cram in a single chapter, so I'll probably be spacing it out. They will go over the assurance of salvation, and the importance of works in our lives.


This is where I would really like some feedback from you. With this one, forget the Alma and Baron stories from the old chapter.

Here's a question I would like to ask you: 

If a person truly believes and receives Christ (i.e. he is a genuine believer and not faking it), does that person have eternal life guaranteed, or can he still lose it?

Thank you :D

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