A Letter to Myself

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April 19, 2019

To me,

I know what you're thinking, "I've messed up this time," or, "I've messed up that one time long ago. There's nothing good in me. I'm going to carry this regret and shame for the rest of my life." Every time you mess up, you cut yourself down, butcher yourself, and feel helpless.

Don't you remember? Jesus has forgiven you. He doesn't wait - He's already forgiven you. More so, He has already restored you and raised you up.

Does that sound too good to be true? This uncertainty is a lie from the enemy to keep you from trusting in God's grace. Do you dare assume that God's grace is but a trickle? It is a rushing river, ceaseless, overwhelming, unstoppable. The torrents sweep away the enemy and his lies that I am rendered worthless and marked with shame.

Our God took my sins - sins that have dishonored His great glory - and trampled them underfoot. He took it to Himself and LOVINGLY paid the price for us. Shall we deny that He has gone to the very extent of death to secure my forgiveness and make me whole?

"Come now, and let us reason together,"
Says the LORD,
"Though your sins are scarlet,
They will be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They will be like wool."

And so, remember this. Whenever you're cutting yourself down, remember this. It's not too good to be true. God is indeed loving, and loving exceedingly.

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