Stuck in the mansion I always saw in my dreams and its owner claims to be dracula and me his love!!!

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It's been like two or three months since I have found out the whole truth about Luc and his past. I still am kind of freak out about the whole Dracula thing and all.

I mean every time I think about the whole Dracula thing I remember all those freaky things in Bram Stoker' s book. No wonder Luc prefer immortal.

but the thing that bothers me the most is that nightmare of Blizzard's murder in the ball room, those eyes and of course that feeling of betrayal. I am certain there in more to it than Luc is telling me, something more.

Right now I am wondering in the hallways of the mansion looking for Luc.

As I reached downstairs I heard some noises in the kitchen. I went in the kitchen and saw creep- I mean Richard, cooking. "Hi Rich do you know where Luc is?"

He finally realized that I was standing there " Um I am afraid I don't know where Master is, Mistress. I haven't seen him today myself" he said looking at the ground.

He's hiding something from me. But what?.

"Richard are you hiding something from me" I asked raising my one eyebrow "UH......of course not, Mistress" I sigh.

"Richard please don't call me Mistress, call me Bliss. Not even Blessing and tell me what you are hiding from me." Richard looked like a lonely girl stuck between drunk mans. "I have no idea what you are saying...Mistr- ah I mean Bliss" he said looking here and there,

I smirk and said "we could do this the easy way or the hard way Richie"

by now Richard was sweating "um.....Bliss please Master told me not to say anything to you"

What Luc's hiding something from me " I thought you haven't seen Luc today? Which means you are lying to me aren't you Richard"

"Of course not Bliss why would I-" I stopped him be shaking my head. "Fine don't tell me Richard , I'll find out myself" with that I walk out of the kitchen.

*~~~~~* TWO HOURS LATER*~~~~*

Wow I didn't even realize this place could be so big; well then again it's a mansion. it's been two hours since I have been wandering in the corridor.

I heard some noises outside the Study, which Luc often use. So without thinking or knocking I open the door and looked inside only to find Luc with a blond all over him.

The blond was so pretty that I thought that she was one of the fairies I used to read about as a child. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue with were place in a diamond shape perfect pale face.

I thought she was an illusion of my mind and would disappear within minutes but, then my mind took another turn and I compare Luc's perfect looks with her gorgeous looks I thought that Luc and her were practically like made for each other.

"No we're not" Luc said. They must have realized my existence in the room. Maybe that's why Luc is just saying that. "no I am not" he's just saying that, I mean come on Bliss look at yourself and then her, she is beyond beautiful while you are nothing as compare to her.

"Bliss...." I didn't listen more because I ran out of the room before Luc could say anything

I enter my room. The one which was Luc and mine. after a few seconds Luc was there standing at the door with a smile plaster on his face, " were you jealous of me and Sheena" great now he's acting as if he's the popular guy in the school who found out the nerd girl have a crush on him "Bliss your acting like a teenager, you know that?' Luc said sighing "Bliss in the Study, it was nothing Sheena and I were......"

Stuck in the mansion I always saw in my dreams and its owner claims to be dracula and me his love!!!Where stories live. Discover now