You Go With Him As He Gets Another Tattoo

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Harry: You stay at Harry’s back as he stands at the counter of the tattoo shop, going over some last minute details with the blonde man leaning against the case. “Babe… this is Niall, he’s a good friend from university” Harry introduces, nodding to the blonde Irish-man and you give him a wary smile. “Not a fan?” he questions, gathering the sketch in his hand and you shake your head. “I’m working on her,” Harry teases, pulling you into his side as you roll your eyes. “He’s not doing a very good job at it,” you tell Niall in a mock whisper, chuckling at Harry’s expression as Niall makes his way to the back. “You went to university with him?” you question, settling down on the couch and Harry nods. “He wanted to do sound engineering but he dropped out, university wasn’t his thing. He ended up tattooing instead, he’s good. He’s done most of mine,” he tells you, rolling his sleeves up to point out specific pieces and you nod. “Come on mate,” Niall says, stepping aside as you walk into the room Niall’s set up for his special clients. “You ok?” you question a few hours later, seated at Harry’s head as he squeezes his eyes shut tight. Niall looks up for a moment before he continues shading the roses on Harry’s ribs and with the sound of the tattoo gun, it’s almost like you and Harry are alone. “It hurts,” Harry admits, breathing harshly through his nostrils as he tries to keep his composure. You start running your nails through Harry’s curls and lean closer, pressing kisses to the back of his head as Harry grips your hand tightly. He relaxes a few minutes later but the grip on your hand does not. Eventually, Niall finishes and cleans up the excess ink before instructing Harry to take a look. “What do you think?” Harry questions and while you know he means the new tattoo on his ribs, you’re momentarily distracted (as you often are when Harry’s shirtless around you) before you can utter an answer. “I like it,” you answer honestly, looking at the vines, roses, and tribal work swirling up his side and Harry smiles. “What do you think of these?” he questions, pointing to a set of interlocking C’s hidden in the vines and you look up at him. “This way, I can keep you with me,” Harry admits, pressing a kiss to your shocked lips.

Liam: “Do you even have space for another tattoo?” you question, leaning back against the counter in Liam’s music shop and he gives you a pointed glare. “I don’t know… do I?” he questions suggestively, wrapping his arms around you as he presses you against the counter. He smiles at the sound of your giggle, relaxed as you press a kiss to his jaw with a “you got a few places.” The woman from the music show is loitering around the shop, casting side-glances at the two of you in hopes Liam would notice her. “She’s really annoying,” you murmur as Liam leads you towards the door, entrusting his friend Andy to run the shop in his absence. “She’s lonely,” he reminds you having previously shared that her husband had left her for a younger woman. “Wonder why?” you mutter to yourself, slipping your hand into his back pocket in a possessive show of who Liam belonged to. “What’s up my man?!” Liam grinned, shaking the hand of the blonde man behind the counter as they do their bro-hug. “Is this the pearls and roses gal?” the man asks, leaning back against the counter and you can tell he has just as many tattoos as Liam. “She is… you must be the Irishmen, by the scar above your eye,” you respond, nodding to the scar Liam had mention and the man gives you a pointed stare before his lips break into a wide grin. “I like this one… Niall” he introduces, leading the two of you to a back room he’s reserved for his special clients and friends. “How long is this gonna take?” you question, settling down into the chair at Liam’s side. “Maybe… three or four hours,” Niall offers, watching as you pull a large textbook from your bag and open it. “School work?” Liam questions, settling in after removing his shirt and you have to force yourself to focus with a shirtless Liam in reach. “Yeah… Greek mythology” you offer, slipping on a pair of black framed reading glasses as Niall starts the tattoo gun against Liam’s neck. “Will you read to me?” he questions, wincing as Niall starts the neckpiece of roses and to Liam, there’s nothing worse than the neck tattoos. You begin reading to him, raising your raise to be heard over the tattoo gun and in between paragraphs, you would interject things you’d learned in class in the hopes of taking Liam’s mind off the pain. “That’s the first time I’ve learned school work during a piece,” Niall teases; wiping Liam’s neck so he can take a look in the mirror. “Roses huh?” you question with a smirk, still seated as you watch Liam’s reaction in the mirror. “Roses” Liam agrees, bending to press a kiss to your smiling lips because you know he got those for you. 

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