You Make Up

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Harry: “Rise and sunshine poppet, we’re going out for coffee,” Eleanor tells you, ripping the curtains back in your bedroom. Groaning loudly in protest, you try to hide beneath the floral sheets but those are soon ripped from the bed and you have nowhere else to hide. “Get up, no more sulking,” Eleanor demands, tugging on your hand until you tumble from the bed and onto the hard wood floor with a groan. “Fine, I’m up… I’m up!” You shout, dancing away from Eleanor’s poking fingertips and slam the bathroom door behind you in order to shower. It’s been two weeks since “the blow out” as you lovingly referred to the fight with Harry and you have yet to speak to one another. You went about your business everyday, going to work and heading home where you’d crawl into bed until you needed to be up the next morning. “Ed says that Harry’s signed a new band… they’re actually really good,” Eleanor informs you as you dress in leggings and a stripped oversized sweater and boots. “I didn’t ask,” you remind her with a pointed glare and she shrugs. “You set me up, you little bitch!” you whisper harshly, trying to turn out of the coffee shop when you see Harry sitting at a table with Ed. He looks less than thrilled to see you, initially but once he takes you in… his face breaks out into a sad grin. “You little ginger bastard,” you hear him tease Ed, standing once you and Eleanor have approached the table. Ed and Eleanor greet with a sweet kiss before making up a lame excuse as to why they had to leave. Harry stood across from you, the table between you like a barrier before he informs you he’ll buy you coffee so your trip downtown isn’t wasted. You raise your eyebrow at the cup he places on the table in front you, “I’m sorry,” scrawled in his messy handwriting. “That doesn’t make up for what you said to me,” you tell him angrily, going to snatch your coffee and leave but he grabs your hand softly. “Stay, please… I’m sorry,” Harry said softly, awkwardly half way standing/sitting as he waits for you to either slap him or leave. “I’m listening,” you say slowly, deciding to take a seat and let him explain. “I am, sorry,” he repeated, reaching across the table for your hand and you glare at him. “Leaving you was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done but… I’ve never had a girl that looks like you want to be with me. In school, girls like you wouldn’t even look my way and then suddenly… this smoking hot girl is dating me,” Harry explains with a chuckle, gesturing to your appearance and you kind of want to smile at that. “I shouldn’t have gotten so angry but dancing isn’t my thing, I usually look like an awkward octopus flapping around and I didn’t want to ruin that night for you. But, I saw you with Ed and I knew you were ok so I didn’t try to push you to forgive me that night.” At his words you look up, confused as to how he knew about Ed and you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion. “How do you know I was with Ed that night?” you question and Harry gives you a sheepish smile. “I came back and saw Ed’s car picking you up and I followed you home,” he admits and you decided that that’s kind of sweet. “I’m taking a pole dancing class,” you say out of the blue after you’d allowed Harry to walk you home. “I figured, you called me a stripper so I might as well make it semi-true,” you explain at his raised eyebrow and he chuckles. “You can’t see any of my moves until I don’t kind of hate you anymore,” you say sternly, hiding a smile beneath your scowl before slapping his shoulder for added effect. Harry rolls his eyes and scratches the back of his inked neck before pressing a kiss to your forehead. 

Liam: The chatter of the music store slowly starts to die down into an awkward silence when you stumble into the main room. You take a deep breath as you look around, the employees staring at you with wide eyes before they slide their glances towards Liam. He stands against the back counter, arms crossed against his chest as he stares at you with a blank expression. Jillian, who is of course in the store, has the decency to look busy while looking over a drum kit with her son. The guitar case at your side is heavy and Liam doesn’t offer to help you as you struggle to lug it to the counter. “I got it,” Andy says, jumping forward to grab the case and haul it onto the counter before baking away, his eyes darting between you and Liam. “Abram broke his guitar. Figured, since I bought it here I should probably get it fixed here too,” you explain, opening the case to show Liam the broken headstock and tuning pegs but Liam doesn’t even glance down. Just continues staring, at you, with an indifferent look. “Ok look, I’m sorry. I’m sorry what I said and I didn’t mean it. I got jealous and acted like a crazy person and I had no right to talk about what your dad did. But, can you fix his guitar? I broke it so I’d have a reason to talk to you and that’s not working so I need to get this home before Abram notices it’s fucked,” you stammer out awkwardly, shifting on your ballet flats while staring at the shelf behind Liam’s head. Silence falls  between the two of you, Liam staring you down while you try to look at anything but his hard blank face and ignoring Jillian’s curious glances. “Can you fix it or not? The sooner you answer me, the sooner I can get out of your way,” you question, picking at the hem of your white high-low shirt. “I can fix it,” Liam says simply, reaching forward to close the guitar case and you get a whiff of his cologne. You sigh softly, eyes fluttering in content as your heart races because it’s been a week since you’ve been this close to him. He had ignored your phone calls and ignored your pounding on his door and ignored you. “This is yours,” he tells you, sliding the key to his apartment you had slide under his door the day earlier and you stare at him in shock. “I don’t want to get my stuff when you’re not there,” you tell him, sliding the key back towards him and his laughter breaks through the awkward silence following your statement. “You don’t need to get your stuff, it’s staying where it is. I’m not angry at you anymore, especially if you’re going to break your brothers guitar… very expensive guitar, just to come in here and apologize,” Liam assures you, leaning across the counter to press a kiss to your lips. “I don’t understand?” You stammer, leaning back when Liam rounded the counter to wrap his arms around your waist. “Comparing me to my dad was a dick move but, I love you. I shouldn’t be so defensive of Jillian, especially when she makes you uncomfortable because she’s here so much. So, let’s compromise: don’t talk about my dad and I won’t help Jillian any more?” Liam questions, ignoring the scathing look Jillian is throwing at you and you give him a bright smile. “Yeah? Ok, that’s doable” you say with a smile, giggling when Andy throws his arms around the both of you in relief. “Thank god, GUYS… mom and dad made up,” Andy calls loudly, huffing when Liam knocks him in the stomach.

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