He's With You For Your First Tattoo

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Harry: “It’s not that I don’t trust you it’s just… it’s my first tattoo and I want you to hold my hand,” you remind Harry, gripping Harry’s hand as he drives you towards Niall’s tattoo shop. “I know, I’m not mad… honestly, I’d be too nervous to do it,” Harry admits, lifting your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. “It shouldn’t hurt that bad… you picked a pretty good spot,” Niall assures you, tapping your wrist where Harry’s handwriting was stenciled. “Am I sure about this?” you questioned Harry, leaning into the kiss he presses to your forehead. “You’re ready for it… are you sure about this?” Harry countered, looking into your eyes to convey you could chicken out at any time and he’d not think less of you. “I can do it,” you smiled bravely, gripping Harry’s hand as Niall started. As time went by, you found the stinging pain of the tattoo gun to be relaxing and you finally understood why Harry was so addicted. “Not too bad?” Harry questions as Niall finishes up, watching your reaction as you look over the words inked into your skin. “Kind of relaxing actually… don’t get any ideas, I think it’s the only one I’ll get” you tease, only half-serious and Harry shakes his head with a grin. “Maybe you won’t be so anxious now,” Harry states, glancing down to the words “breathe” he’d wrote across your wrist and you shrug your shoulders. “Let’s be honest… I’ll always be anxious,” you chuckled, leaning back in the seat as Harry drives you home.

Liam: “I hate you,” you state, arms crossed and Liam chuckles. “I love you too,” Liam chuckles, ruffling your hair before he continues with his work. “Today the day?” Andy questions with a smirk, leaning against the counter and you storm away to Liam’s office. “Don’t you feel bad? For making her do this?” Andy phrases, turning to watch you open and slam the door repeatedly until Liam acknowledges you with a shout. “Nah, at least, not if she’s gonna act like this,” Liam explains, gesturing to the door you’d just slammed again. “A tattoo is a pretty permanent thing,” Andy tries to defend you and Liam just shrugs. “She shouldn’t have lost the bet then… besides, I think she did it on purpose” Liam admits, putting away the credit card receipts from that day before calling for you. “Let’s go Dora The Explorer,” Liam teases in reference to your orange shorts and purple top, ducking when you throw your purse at him. “You can sleep on the couch tonight or better yet, with Andy” you shout, slamming the car door to Liam’s Land Rover before he drives the three of you to the tattoo shop. “I lost a bet,” you explain to the artist, settling down in your seat as the girl starts to ink the star into the skin on the side of your wrist. “Some bet then,” she responds, looking out the door to where you’d forced Liam and Andy to wait. “I lost on purpose, kind of. Liam has so many and I kind of wanted one too… I mean, I love his tattoos,” you said softly, a small smile tugging at your lips as the girl gives you a knowing smile. “I bet,” she teases with a smile. “Sexy,” Liam states with a grin, wrapping an arm around your waist to press a kiss to your temple. “I like it… you’re still sleeping with Andy” you remind him with a smile, walking out of the building towards Liam’s car as Andy bursts out into a loud laugh at the look on Liam’s face.

Niall: “I’m bored Niall… this is boring,” you complain, sinking into your seat on the plush couch and Niall spares you a glance. “I’m sorry love; I have to do the books though. You didn’t have to come,” Niall reminds you, taking his reading glasses off to rub at his eyes and you groan. “I didn’t think you’d be doing this the whole time! I’m hungry,” you whine, pouting bare lips at Niall and he sighs. “I’m sorry babe, you can take the car and go get food,” Niall offers, passing you his keys to the black Mercedes he’d recently purchased and you give him a large grin and a big kiss. You return thirty minutes later, balancing two large bags and a drink tray as you teeter on the high heals of your nude pumps and Niall raises an eyebrow at you. “Figured you’d be hungry too,” you offer, smiling in thanks as he takes the bags. “Would you tattoo me?” you question a few minutes later, voicing the question that had been on your mind for at least a month. “If you wanted me to, yeah” Niall assures, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you munch on your French fries. “Something small, you need a break from math” you tell him, exposing your hip as Niall instructs you to lay down on the table so he can start. It hurts but Niall compensates for the pain by pressing kisses to your stomach. “I like it,” Niall tells you, looking over your shoulder as you glance at the writing on your hip. “So do I… thanks babe,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his lips and he grins. “Can I get back to work now?” he questions with a chuckle and you nod, settling back on the couch to nap as he finishes wok.

Louis: You sit on the couch in the back room of Niall’s tattoo shop watching Louis get yet another tattoo. “There you go mate,” Niall says finishing up his mates new shoulder tattoo. “Ready to go babe?” Louis asks, getting up from chair. You pause and look at the gun in Niall’s hand. “Babe?” You come out of your trance to answer him. “I want one,” you confess abruptly. “You want one what?” He asks knowing you couldn’t possibly be talking about a tattoo. “A tattoo.” “You want a tattoo?” “Yeah.” You get up from the couch where you had been sat for the past two hours. You had been watching him get his new ink and now you wanted to try it for yourself. “What would you like love?” Niall asks as he motions for you to take a seat in the chair. You turn to Louis unsure of the answer. “Don’t look at me. The first one is legitimately all on you.” You sit in the chair and think about the question at hand while Niall cleans up and gets ready for you. “What are you thinking about?” Louis questions bringing over a chair by your side. “I’m thinking about a quote,” you respond, still looking off to the side to think. “Which one?” “One from A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” you reveal. “The Shakespeare play?” “Yeah.” “What does it say?” “Although she be but little, she is fierce.” “Sounds good,” he responds with a pleased smile. “Well when Niall gets back in he can draw it up for you,” Louis explains. Once Niall returns with the elaborate sketch you take a deep breath in and point to your ribs. “You want it there?” He asks with surprise. “Babe that’s going to hurt,” Louis says, worry in his tone. “Don’t they all hurt?” You question. “Yeah, but ribs for your first one is a bit extreme.” His words don’t phase you as you lay on your side and let Niall lay the sketch. “Okay love, I’m going to outline it first, dot the “I’s” and things like that,” Niall instructs. You take a deep breath in. “Make sure to breathe the whole time,” he reminds you.

Zayn: At its first touch the needle’s sensation wasn’t too bad. “Bee stings,” Zayn reminds you as he watches you wince slightly. You nod slowly as he continues the artwork on your foot. You had been so impressed with the new sketch he had been working on that you had requested that he draw it up on a smaller scale so that you could get it tattooed on your foot. He was completely in shock at this request but was more than happy to draw it up for you. Once at his friend’s shop he insisted on taking the gun and doing it himself. “I can shade everything perfectly if I just do it myself,” he had told Niall in the lobby of the shop. “Go on ahead,” he said, nodding to the back room. The room had been empty for once. You had sat your things down on the couch and walked straight over to the chair, waving your foot in his face. He shakes his head and smiles. “Give me a second to get everything ready.” “So do all of you come in here and tattoo?” You ask of him and the friends he had introduced you to a few days ago. “Yeah, Niall lets us come in and do whatever back here, just as long as we don’t disturb his actual customers.” “That’s why he sticks you back here in the back,” you say looking around at the swanky room Niall had set up for his friends. “Yeah away from anyone we could potentially annoy, that’s why there’s a back door, so if we do get out of hand we don’t have to go back through the shop.” You shake your head as you think about the antics him and his friends clearly did get up to. “Ready?” You come out of your thoughts and focus on him. “Yeah.”

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