You Break Up

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Harry: You’re both too busy for one another. Life has become hectic. Chaotic even. Harry’s just taken over the record label he works for, signing three bands in his first month that have the potential to go global. Two of his bands have just hit platinum in every country. Harry’s been flying around the country, seeing new talent and attending concerts for bands he’s already signed. He’s in the studio when he’s not on a plane or at a concert, laying down tracks for artists and recording some of his own music. A few of his personal stuff has been leaked and the fans went crazy, eating up the sound of his voice and the lazy strum of his guitar. To say he’s in high demand would be an understatement. You’ve just opened your new store in New York City, spending a majority of your time in the city you had grown up in. There’s a brand new group of people to hire and for this store, you have to be more selective and more careful. The New York store is one you won’t be in everyday and you need a manager you can trust to take care of your precious store. You glance at your phone, another missed call from Harry lighting up your screen. It isn’t until after you’ve instructed Siri to remind you to call Harry back that you realize how ridiculous that is; needing your phone to remind you to call your own boyfriend. Leaning against the newly installed counter, you flip to the calendar on your phone and count back to the last time you’d seen Harry. Three months. It’s been three months since you’d last seen each other in person. “Can we skype later? We need to talk.” You text, setting your phone aside once Harry’s agreed to continue with your work. “How are things with the store?” Harry questions, rubbing his eyes from exhaustion but he had woken up at an ungodly hour to talk with you. “It’s going ok, busy and dusty but ok… how are things on your end?” You question, going through the binder of things in your lap at the things you still needed to accomplish. You’re in the middle of making a new “To Do List” when Harry says something that drops your heart into your stomach. “What?” You question, unsure of if you had heard him correctly or if the lack of sleep was catching up with you. “This is ridiculous… why are we together if we can’t even see one another? I don’t like this, I don’t want us to be like this,” Harry admits, glancing down at his feet when you fall back in your chair in disbelief. “But, I thought this was what you wanted?” You’re fighting the urge to cry because this is more than Harry missing you and you missing him. “It was, is… I don’t know what I want anymore. I haven’t seen you, properly seen you, in three months and that’s something I know I don’t want. We’re both so busy, too busy for one another and this,” he gestures between the two of you via the webcam of his MacBook, “Isn’t fair to either one of us.” His words run through your mind, the words clouding your frontal lobe and all you can hear is him saying he doesn’t want you. “You, don’t want me?” You choke on tears, Harry sighing on the other end before he glances up at you. Tears are brimming in his blue eyes and he swallows the lump in his throat. “I don’t know,” he finally admits, scrubbing his face with his large hands and you nod. “I… we haven’t been working for a long time,” you cry softly, trying desperately to push the tears off your cheeks before he can see but you note that he’s letting his own tears fall freely. “I know… maybe, maybe we just need a break?” Harry questions, leaning forward and you laugh in pain at his words. “That’s pussy shit Harry… either we stay together or we don’t. There are no breaks in real life, only on TV,” you assure, staring into the camera and Harry nods. “Then… I think it’s best we end this. It’s not fair to me or you to be together but not be together,” he finally says after ten minutes worth of agonizing silence. “Ok,” you sigh simply, shoulders slouching in defeat and you berate yourself for not fighting him on the issue. But, you knew he was right. “I’m still here, if you need anything. Please, don’t hesitate to let me know,” Harry begs and you nod but you know he’s the last person you’ll call. You end the Skype call at his words, crawl into your childhood bed, and cry yourself to sleep. You find it ironic when you wake the next morning after the longest nights sleep in four months.

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