You Meet For The First Time

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You’re meandering about Harrods, searching through the knit sweaters in hopes of finding several new tops for the winter season when you notice a boy who looks horribly out of place. His black gauged ears are barely hidden behind the gray knit beanie overtop his brown hair and his tattoos peeking through the neck of his long sleeved t-shirt and he looks like he’d rather be anywhere but where he is. You watch a young sales assistant step up to him, a bright smile on her face as she speaks with him briefly. He shakes his head, giving her a simple “thanks but I’m fine” before he’s walking towards the back, where you are. You step farther away from him because your mother has always warned you about men with lots of tattoos and lose yourself in the soft fabrics of the sweaters you can’t wait to purchase. “Excuse me, can I get your opinion on this?” a voice asks and you look up to find the tattooed boy from earlier holding up a cream sweater for your inspection. “It’s for my mother,” he adds at your curious look and you smile. “I think she’d really like that, I bought my mother the same one for her birthday and she loves it” you offer with a small smile and he nods. “I’m Harry” he says and you raise an eyebrow. “Alright” you say, glancing around at the other shoppers who have gather around. “You know, you usually tell someone your name once they offer theirs” he jokes with a smile. “(Y/N)” you offer and begin to make your way away from him. “I won’t bite, despite the snake bites” he tells you, gesturing to the piercings below his bottom lip. “I don’t want to risk it” you say, trying to make it sound like a joke even though you aren’t. Harry watches you walk away, a hurt look barely registering across his handsome face before he looks to the sweater he’d used as an excuse to talk with you. Just one glance at you and Harry knew you were too sweet for a guy like him, the kind of sweet he could get a sugar rush from just by looking at you for too long. That hadn’t stopped him from trying to talk to you and it didn’t stop the sting of rejection when you had walked away.


You hurry into the music store as the wind picks up outside, swirling the cold snowflakes around your head as you try to beat the impending snowstorm. Music stores weren’t your thing but your brother was a music buff and in need of a new guitar, so here you were. You feel out of place as you wonder around, dressed in your work clothes, high heels, and cream coat in comparison to the jeans, t-shirts, and worn jackets that are wondering around. “Can I help you?” a voice says from the counter and you turn to find a young man leaning against the glass. “I’m looking for a guitar for my brother” you answer, shifting your weight while clutching your Louis Vuitton to your chest when a girl with hot pink hair walks by to exit the store. The man raises an eyebrow at your subtle gesture but steps around the counter. “What kind of guitar are you looking for?” he questions. You give him a quick look over and try to keep the grimace off your face at his black straight-legged jeans, worn black t-shirt that show his half sleeve tattoo and scuffed boots. “I have no idea” you answer, glancing over his lip piercing and pierced ears. “Well… what can you tell me about him?” he questions, turning to walk down a guitar aisle and you glance at his nametag ‘Liam’. “He’s 18 and in some rock band or something. He has a pierced lip too” you tell him, glancing around and Liam nods. “What’s your price range?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder and you shrug your shoulders. “Don’t have one really… but he definitely doesn’t deserve something too expensive” you answer and he quirks an eyebrow at you. “He’s rebelling and giving my mother a heart attack and my father will probably disowns him if he gets anymore … tattoos,” you answer awkwardly, glancing at the tattoos on his arms and he chuckles. “They’ll come around, mine did… this is a Gibson, a great guitar and not too expensive” he tells you and you nod. “Alright” you say simply, following him back to the front. “We usually don’t get girls like you in here” Liam says, trying to make conversation as he loads the guitar case in the back of your black Mercedes. “What, clean and normal looking?” you ask and he frowns. “Yeah… I guess. You have a nice day” he tells you, covering the frown with a handsome smile. “Yeah… you too” you answer, sliding into your expensive car and drive away back to your high-class world and away from his. 

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