You See One Another After The Break Up

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Harry: Ever since things with Harry had turned sour, you’d taken up exercising. Nothing strenuous or intense by any means, just enough to get the tension from work out. Ever since the new store opened in New York, your workload had increased tenfold and without Harry to fuck the tension from your body, you had to resort to other, more conventional methods. The alarm on your phone sounded at 6:30 am, Dream Street blaring about feeling the rhythm swaying as you jolted awake. Like every other morning, the ceiling eluded to give you any answers about your life while you glared at the black light fixture and with a groan you rolled from the comfort of your queen-sized bed. Feet hitting the cool hard wood of your bedroom floor, you scurry into the bathroom to settle your feet against the plush bathroom rug Harry had purchased after realizing your original bathroom rug sucked. You wash your face and brush your teeth quickly before stripping out of your pajamas in favor of some short hot pink spandex shorts and a black “Look like a princess, sweat like a beast” shirt with the sleeves ripped off. You hop around while trying to tug your running shoes on because untying the laces only to retie them seemed so mundane. You attach your iPhone to the strap on your bicep and shove your ear buds in place before locking up the apartment and head off down the road for your morning run. This is your favorite time to run, the rising sun setting high behind the early morning foggy clouds and it makes for such a picturesque scene you find that waking up early isn’t such a hassle. There’s a brisk chill and you begin to rethink the shorts but remember, your legs get sweaty after a run and the short spandex makes it worth it to see the backwards glances the men give you when you run by. You’re rounding a corner in the park a few blocks from your apartment when you spot a familiar mop of curly brown hair pacing back and forth while on the phone. He’s dressed in black athletic shorts and neon running shoes, chest bare and tattoos on display. Harry looks frustrated, annoyed, and sweaty as he argues on the phone and as you draw closer at a much slower pace than you’d been running at, his eyes rise to meet yours. He stares, clearly checked out of the conversation before he hangs up suddenly and gives you a cautious wave. You debate stopping and decide that you need to stretch your hamstrings. Slowing to a stop, you stretch your hamstrings against the bench while glancing over at him. “Morning,” he says slowly, nodding his head as he straps his phone to his bicep and you smile. “Morning,” you repeat, waiting to see if he’ll say anything else. He doesn’t. Just stares, taking in your features quietly before scratching the back of his neck nervously. “Heard the new store was doing well,” he finally states, a small smile gracing his features and you nod. “Very well, mother is happy I’m home,” you reply, dragging your top lip against your bottom teeth and Harry nods. “Thought London was home now?” He questions quietly, watching as you halt after trying to make a hasty escape and continue on your run. “It used to be,” you respond, back turned before you take off down the path blaring your music to drown out the sound of your thudding heart.  

Liam: “We’re out of milk… and bread… and cheese… and tea… and coffee… basics we’re out of everything :(“  The text message from your roommate reads and you roll your eyes with a chuckle. “Alright, I’ll stop by the market on my way home… text me the list,” you respond, setting your phone aside to continue with your work. A series of messages comes in over the next few moments and you shake your head at how spastic and forgetful your roommate is. “DON’T FORGET THE WINE,” the last message reads. You’re in the process of putting the last pieces of makeup into your kit when you realize the cherry red Chanel lipstick is missing. Looking around the set, you discover that you can’t find the prized lipstick tube anywhere and with a sad sigh, you close the kit and prepare to leave. Your boots tap against the floor of Whole Foods as you scroll through the messages to start at the beginning while you grab a cart and begin the journey through the store. You place a phone call to your bread picky roommate and list off the choices while standing in front of the bakery, hip cocked as she mulls over her choices. “Mallory… I don’t have all day,” you tease, giving the baker behind the counter an apologetic smile as she finally decides on a regular loaf of bread and a loaf of bacon bread stating, “it’s bacon and bread… how could that be anything but delicious?” After hanging up, you continue down the aisle towards the tea but come to a sudden stop. At the end of the tea aisle is Liam and the pink haired employee from his store. There’s one cart in front of them as they mull over the decision of which tea to purchase. Your heart stops and plummets into the bottom of your stomach as your breathing hitches. A lump forms in your throat and you know you should move but you’re too shocked to do so. Liam glances to his side and you make eye contact with the ex you hadn’t realized you missed so much until that very moment. His eyes widen in shock and you watch as he takes a step towards you. You panic and run, leaving the cart behind as you rush through the store towards the entrance, which seems like it’s on the other side of the world as you try and escape. “Where’s the groceries… are you alright?” Mallory questions, looking around the corner when she hears the front door open to see you standing in the doorway with no grocery bags. “Liam was there,” you explain sadly, leaning into Mallory’s comforting hug as she leads you to the couch for a night of action flicks and ice cream.   

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