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not my business

Just as she thought, Agnes had grown on the patrons of Buck's bar quickly. After two nights, she was having conversations with the bar-goers like they were all friends. She'd learned that the place got a bad rap but she was growing to like it. It was her kind of place, as weird as that must've made her seem. She had gotten comfortable to the point where she'd sneak a drink every now and again when no one was paying attention to her.

Instead of going to the DX every day, she saved her money up and kept it in her glove box, promising to give them half the money when she had it and pay off the other half later. A part of her felt a little bad about how she reacted to Sodapop asking her a simple question. The other part of her was still upset and scared even though she felt that Sodapop was a good guy.

Last night, she found a parking lot for nowhere. She was thinking maybe there was a park but there was nothing. She was thinking it was much too good to be true but she parked there anyway, hoping nothing happened to her or the car.

She realized that she never slowed down to look at the place she'd probably be occupying for the next few weeks, so she took a pack of cigarettes and her lighter and threw them into her pocket, needing nothing else to basically get her through the day. She lit up and began walking around, unaware of how dangerous it could be for a girl like her.

She got catcalled many times, all of which she just ignored and the only time she got worried was when she noticed a nice, expensive-looking cherry red car circling the block multiple times. They stopped in the distance and she couldn't see, nor did she really want to, but it looked like they were interacting with another greasy kid. She left it alone. Not my city, not my business. Until the kid was thrown into her car.

These people love to damage cars. She made her way over quickly, putting out her second cigarette of the day. "Hey, woah, what's going on?"

There were three boys all above one little one. She tried not to care about that. Not my business. But her car was her business. "Just some fun is all," one of the nicer dressed boys says with a chuckle.

"Well how about we take the party away from my car?"

"Why should we? It's a trash bucket anyway."

She rolled her eyes, "Is that the best you can do? Come back when you find a better insult."

"Who do you think you're talkin' to?"

She didn't want to but she looked at the boy they were beating up, who looked absolutely terrible with a bruise on his mouth and a cut on his arm. Not my business. "Just leave my car out of it. I've dealt with guys like you all throughout the country. I ain't scared of you." What were they gonna do? Jump a female?

They were thinking the same thing she was and they left but not without a snide comment to the boy first. "Momma can't protect you forever, grease."

Grease. She laughed quietly as she didn't understand the connotation behind the nickname.

"Hey, uh, thank--"

"Don't mention it."

He was really embarrassed, having been saved by a girl he didn't even know. He knew later on that would come back to bite him. Neither of them said a word, just stood there in an awkward silence.

"Well this was nice," Agnes says, walking to the driver's side of her car. Not your business, Agnes. She couldn't help herself. "You need a ride somewhere? I feel like if I leave you alone those boys in the red car'll just come and beat ya' again."

He wanted to decline but he was worried about the same thing. "Sure. Just, um, just a few streets down." He pointed her in the direction of the place he was headed before. He knew he shouldn't have walked alone. She ignored the blood that was beginning to stain the dark leather seats.

"You got a name?"

He nodded, "Ponyboy." He waited for her to laugh but she didn't.

"Is it a coincidence that there are two guys in this town with funny soundin' names, or are y'all brothers?"

"You talkin' about Sodapop?"


"He's my older brother." She nodded and went right back to driving. He told her to pull over. "You got a name?"

She unlocked the doors and chuckled. "Nope."

agnes is no hero type.
why?? read on to find out!!
nxya ❤

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