Chapter 1

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A few weeks went by, everything felt strange. It was sunset, we've just eaten. 

"Anyone else hungry?" Kayla asked.

"No I'm good." We all replied. 

"Copper?" Kayla asked.

"Huh, what?" I said.

"You didn't answer me." She said. 

"Sorry, what was your question?" I asked.

"You hungry?" Kayla asked again. 

"Oh.. No, I'm not." I answered, staring at the fire. 

"You should really eat something Copper." Alex told me, "you haven't eaten since we got here, it's seriously not healthy." 

"I'm just not hungry! Can everyone just LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I shouted walking out. 

"Isssssss.... one of us gonna go after her orrr.." James asked looking back at us.

"I'll go" Kayla said, "we grew up together, I'll get through to her." 

Kayla came outside and sat next to me. 

"Hey... you okay?" She asked. 

"Gee, we got exiled from our clans, live in a small den, and we have no way of getting home... everything is peachy." I said sarcastically.

"Great!" She replied back sarcastically. 

We both laughed and hugged. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap." 

"I get it, you're hurting. It's tough. Just don't go down that dark path I went down." 

"You're right. I'll try." 

"So are you willing to eat, now, finally, after all this time?" 

"I'll eat.... I guess." 

We both went back in the den, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap." I told them. 

"It's okay." They all said. 

"She's willing to eat guys!" Kayla shouted happily.

I sat down and I ate a rabbit, granted, James needs to work on his cooking skills but I'll leave it to his sister to break the news about his cooking. 

"Ew, James!" Anna said, "You need to work on your cooking it SUCKS!!!" 

"ANNA!!!" He shouted. 

"What it's the honest truth!!"

James and Anna started chasing each other, I started laughing because I predicted this outcome. 

"Guys! Quit it!" Alaska said, joining them. We all started to mess around, it was the first time in the awhile we were all....


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