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     My alarm sounded annoyingly and my hand reached out to smack the clock. In the two weeks since Jimin and I got back from the campsite many things have happened:
I dropped my first song and topped the charts.
I know the two Jimins: cute squishy day time Jimin, and sexy-daddy night time Jimin.
Also: I have been feeling so off lately...

     I don't know what's wrong. My stomach has been off and I've been throwing up in the mornings for the past two days. Speaking of which:

     "Oh God!" I half moaned, half yelled. Jimin rolled over as my feet hit the floor and I was off to the bathroom My hands gripped the sides of the toilet and I gagged. The sour taste of bile rose from my throat and I gagged again.

     Right before I full-on threw up hands grabbed my hair and gently pulled it back and out of the way. Jimin's other hand rubbed circles on my back. "Babe?" He said timidly when I had finished ,"This is the third day in a row. Are you sure that you are not sick?"

     I just look up at him ,"I just... I don't know... My body feels off."

     He stands up and hands me a wet rag ,"Clean up. I'll call Micha and tell her that you won't be coming in today.


     The waiting room at Med-Express was way too cold. My legs bounced up and down and my teeth clacked together quietly.

     A big white door opened in the back to reveal a tall nurse in baby blue scrubs ,"Nicole..? Lee Nicole..?"

     Jimin and I stood up and walked to her. She looked between us and motioned to him kindly. "I would like you to wait out here please, sir."

     He tensed and let his hand fall slowly from my shoulder ,"OKay..."

     As soon as the door shut and we were headed toward a desperate room, she began to speak. "I'm not going to keep you long Ms." She paused and leaned against the wall, her clipboard clutched tightly to her chest. "All of the symptoms that you described to our receptionist..."

    She looks anywhere but my eyes, an action that nurses only do when they are about to drip a bomb.

     My chest tightens ,"I'm not dying, am I?" I ask quietly.

     She laughs nervously ,"N-no... Can you just... I'm, here." She hands me a small, rectangular box. "I need you to take this for me. There is a bathroom right behind you."

     She seemed really nervous so I looked down at the box.

     It was a pregnancy test.

      My heart dropped into my feet in half horror and half astonishment. "I'm-You think I'm pregnant!?"

     Honestly, I should have known. All of my symptoms and the throwing up- morning sickness!

     She nods and motions toward the bathroom again ,"If you are, you will see an 'o'. If not, there'll be an 'x'."

     I numbly turned and stepped into the bathroom. It's white walls and grey floor made me feel as if I was in some sort of cell. I pulled down my pants and sat, the test at the ready.

     I did what was needed and stood, buttoning my pants, and waited by the sink. My hands shook so bad that I had to set it down on the sink.

     There was a small beeping sound and I looked down to the test and got my answer.


     Jimin closed his door and turned the car on. "So, how'd it go? Are you going to be okay?"

     I turned and smiled at him ,"Yep! Let's go home though, I don't feel like working today..."

    His night time smirk flirted across his features. "Skipping work..? That's naughty."

     I giggled and stared out the window saying ,"What? Are you gonna punish me daddy..?"

     He smirked harder ,"You know me too well, baby girl."

     As soon as we pulled into the lot we were both out of the car and heading to the elevator. The doors closed loudly and Jimin pinned me against the mirror.

     He attached our lips and pressed his body against mine. We melded together perfectly, as usual.

     With a loud DING the elevator doors opened and we tumbled out. Jimin fumbled to unlock the door and when it was open we were falling inside. He gripped me by the hips and picked me up, pinning me to the living room wall. He ground himself into me through our clothes and a strangled moan slipped past my shaking lips.

     He pulled at his pants while simultaneously unbuttoning mine and that's when I snapped out of his arms.

     "Jimin," I gasped desperately as he stared at me, flushed and vonfused ,"We can't..! I-I-

"I'm pregnant."

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