In This Rain

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     After waking up and actually getting a shower, Jimin and I head outside. I'm wearing a white T-shirt, jean shorts, and my bathing suit beneath it while Jimin's wearing a black shirt along with his own swim trunks. Our sanadled feet slap the small path as we stroll, hand in hand, to the small patio. The sun was shining brightly on us, giving warmth that was perfect for swimming.

"Wow..!" Jimin exhaled a breath he had been holding ?"Its so beautiful out here..!"

I nodded and held a hand up to shield my eyes from the sun ,"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." I sigh dreamily as my eyes scan the blue water that wasn't as blue yesterday.

"Then you should look in the mirror." He murmurs into my ear.

I giggle and wrinkle my nose ,"Do I taste cheese..?"

     He playfully hit my shoulder ,"Aish Jagi..! I was just trying to be a good boyfriend."

     I pat his head and pull his body close to mine ,"You don't need to try, baby. You're already the best."

     He giggles ,"Is that... provolone ..?"

     I smack his chest and make my way to a patio chair, plopping down and sighing loudly ,"Damn this is nice..."

     He grips the arm rests of the chair and leans so close that I can see the individual black and gold specks in his eyes ,"I bet it'd be better at night." His voice is deep and seductive in my ear.

     My breath hitches but I still manage to push him away ,"Not in public, nope."

     He pouts for a moment before sitting in the chair beside mine ,"What's the plan then, boss?"

I tap my chin ,"How about we-ohmygod ducks!!!" I yell loudly, jumping up from my seat and running to the very edge of the patio. I fall to my knees and point at a spot about five feet away.

Beautiful brown bodied ducks with blue heads bob in the water, at least eight of them.

"Waah..." I whispered ,"So pretty! Lets name them!"

Jimin sat cross-legged beside me and murmured ,"There are eight of them... How about we name one Nicole, one Jimin, and the rest after the boys on the dance team..?"

     I smile at him widely ,"Yeah! Can you get the bread from the car..? If we see them up close then we'll know what to name each one."

     He tapped his chin ,"Bread isn't actually good for ducks but..." he stands and goes back down onto the path, inspecting beside the patio ,"I think I saw- Here it is!" He holds up a medium sized container labeled "Duck Feed".

     My eyes light up and I clap ,"Yay!"

     Jimin puts his finger to his lips as he heads back over to me ,"You'll scare them away, pabo."

     As soon as he's wrenched the container open, I grab a handful and toss it about two feet in front of the patio, each small piece of food floating up from the water.

     The ducks are literally there in a matter of seconds and it's not hard to figure out their names.

The one lazily floating at the back- Min Yoongi.
The one that keeps nibbling on another one's feathers- Jung Hoseok.
The one getting nibbled on that keeps ruffling it's feathers weirdly- Kim Namjoon.
The one that keeps quacking even though it has a mouthful of food- Kim Taehyung.
The one eating as fast and as much as possible- Kim Seokjin.
The one pecking at the other ducks in a teasing manner- Jeon Jungkook.

     A bit to the right, the last two ducks floated close to one another, their heads resting on one another.

     Nicole and Jimin.

     We sat like this, Jimin and I, watching the ducks float and play. Jimin eventually snuck his hand over mine and I rested my head on his shoulder.


     My eyes open slowly as a cold droplet of water plops onto my face. When did I fall asleep..? How long was I asleep..?

     I look to my side to see Jimin asleep peacefully, his orange hair swaying in the light wind that's picked up.

     I glance to the sky to see low hanging  clouds, rain threatening to pour down. I sit up and nudge Jimin ,"Babe, it's going to rain... Wake up."

     He groans and opens his eyes ,"Wh-" A large rain drop splats onto his forehead. "Omo! It's going to rain, Jagi..! We should get going-"

     No sooner had he opened his mouth, that the clouds broke apart and rain began to torrent down from the sky.

     I was immediately up and running towards the path, Jimin close behind. It took a bit but I ran to the car instead of the cabin... The car was closer.

     I look back for Jimin only for him to push me up against the car behind me ,"That white shirt fits the situation nicely," he growls ,"It'd be nicer off."

     As he begins to kiss my neck, I chuckle and moan out ,"Only you could get turned on by a rain storm."

     He bit down on my collar bone and reached behind me for the door handle ,"Get in baby, were going for a ride."

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