In The Club Like

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The image I see in the mirror is halfway flattering to me. If Jimin wants to play some games, I'll play some games.

The skintight red dress clings to my body like water. It barely covers my ass properly and I'm sure that if I sneezed my boobs would fall free of the very low cut, yet tight collar. A black choker on my neck matches the black knee high boots on my feet. I leave my hair down and put on a small amount of makeup before I deem myself a fair rival to Jimin and descend the stairs.

Holy shit. This boy is going to get laid tonight and I envy the woman who does it. His skintight ripped jeans hug his legs and make me want to pounce on him and do things on his junk. His denim jacket and tight white shirt cause my legs to shake a bit.

     He just looks at me, no comments, no emotion. He's a master at this shit.

     "You ready?" He asks me, taking a step closer. He is only one step away from me. His hand reaches out and cups my chin harshly, bringing it only a few centimeters from his face. While his voice speaks soft and kind, his face is one of punishment, delicious daddy punishment.

     "You're going to have guys all over you, wearing something like this..." His unoccupied hand trails a ringed finger down from the center of my collar bone all the way down to the dress hem. He pulls my dress up just a bit and lets his finger pet the outside of my panties, directly on my heat. "Little virgin girls are just fresh meat out there..."

     I manage to speak but my voice is wavered and broke ,"Then I guess I'll have to be careful..."

     His breath fans over my ear ,"Bad things could happen to pretty girls like you so late at night."

     I swear to God I think I just came.

     He takes a few steps back and smiles at me like a cute little fluff, the sex monster from not even thirty seconds ago, gone. The only thing reminding me of it's visit being the heat and dampness between my quaking thighs. "That's why you have me," He giggles ,"I'll protect you!"

     I just stare and nod.

     He makes his way to the door with me only a step or two behind him and we begin our journey to the club.


     We aren't even near the door yet and I can hear the bass boosted music from the club. Jimin stops when we are just shy of the entrance and grabs my arm making me halt in my steps.

     "Please be careful in here... Let me give you my phone number, okay?" He says, looking at me concernedly.

     "Okay, thank you Jimin-ah," I say and hand him my, now unlocked, phone. I watch as he puts in a number and hands it back.

     "Don't go home with any strangers." And with that, he walks in and leaves me alone.

     "Well fuck..." I huff and open the door. I'm hit with a shit ton of black lights, sweaty bodies, and the smell of alcohol. This is awesome!!!  I am immediately drifting towards the dance floor, my body melding with the beat and doing sexy dances I've only ever done in my bedroom with no one home.

     Men are whooping at me and women are mimicking me, turning the dance floor into a grind pit.

     Hands grip my ass and I turn in surprise to find a stranger, a sexy stranger. Jimin said not to go home with strangers but dancing isn't going home...

     "Yah!" A familiar voice tells above the beats ,"Don't touch my girl!"

     Jimin steps up behind me, his body pressing into mine so hard that I can feel every inch of him. Every. Inch.

     The dude looks pissed but backs off. A red cup is held around my side and Jimin's voice is at my ear ,"I don't want you getting hurt..." he slurs a bit, the smell of alcohol already on him ,"Have a drink, Nicole. You look tense."

     Hell yeah im tense. My ass is literally on his dick and I'm fighting with all I've got not to grind all over it. I take the drink and give it one nice, long swig. It's so damn gross. I take an internal vow to never drink alcohol again and take a step from Jimin, beginning my dancing all over again.

     Jimin comes up behind me yet again and places his hands on my hips ,"Dance with me."

     I do as daddy... Er, Jimin says and dance a bit. It's nothing much, just some arm movements but he isn't satisfied. He pulls me flush into him and grinds on my ass like he owns me.  I groan as he spins me around to face him, a bulge forming in his pants rubbing on my heat.

     We begin to grind harder on eachother. I bring my leg up to rest on his hip and he pulls me closer, a task that had seemed impossible. We both are groaning and panting hard, my panties soaked through.

     Jimin groans my name one last time before pulling away, whispering into my ear ,"Lets finish this at home."

     I agree and we stumble towards the door, Jimin already hailing a cab. I and the man I met just this afternoon grope and grind on eachother until our cab pulls  into the driveway of our shared apartment.

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