Chapter 12: El Fin:-(

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Wow guys, this is the last chapter of WIL...good riddance is what I say! Lol I'm just kidding....or am I?;-)

**Niall's POV♥♥

I know I haven't spoken lately throughout this mini tour for our album Midnight Memories but let's just recap on what happened shall we?

-Trish was hired as Little Mix's manager and she is still Austin's Liam's new girlfriend, she's really nice and bossy like him

-When Ally met us she fainted and Harry "fell for her" when really he saw sparks between her and Austin and got jealous

-Austin sensed Harry didn't like him and was flirting with Ally at the after party for Little Mix

-Zayn and I danced the night away while Austin and Harry dance battled.

-Austin won $1,000 and Harry had to wear a chicken suit for our last show Lol!

-Harry asked Ally out on a date for revenge on Austin

-Zayn asked me out on a date it was magical! (He took me to Nandos!!♥)

-To ruin the date Austin and Dez dressed as chefs to ruin their meals

-Liam then joined in on the sabotage after hearing Harry's plan to use Ally for revenge on Austin

-They put nutmeg in Harry's plate which is his second allergic reaction after marshmallows

-Ally found out that the date was a scam and she joined the boys including Trish to get a video of Harry telling his plan

-The video was leaked the day Louis got back from Miami and Harry was pissed

-Liam was blamed at first but Harry got that it was Austin after Louis saw the video

-Austin punched Harry when he called Ally dumb

-Harry got fucked up and wore the chicken suit to our last concert

-He shockingly apologized to them and made new friends at the end after we sang Better Than Words to them

-And now we're at the airport to say goodbye to our new friends

-If I missed anything I'm sorry because I probably wasn't there...

**Austin's POV

Today's the day my friends and I are leaving London and I have to say I had a great time. I made an enemy that turned into a friend and I finally had the courage to ask Ally to be my girlfriend.

**Ally's POV

Even though I fell for a celebrity that was a jerk at first but then became a good friend, I actually enjoyed this trip. I have a boyfriend and new friends with awesome British accents. I'm really sad that we're leaving so soon but Austin's Full Moon tour is starting soon and we have to focus on that plus I have some new songs I'm writing for him. it's going to be all work no play, well with Austin you never know.

**Trish's POV

Managing the girls these past two weeks was really fun. With all the drama that happened everything turned out ok. Liam asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. I mean who could say no to Liam Payne?? But he really is a nice guy, and cute too...He promised to call me everyday and even Skype while I'm on the road for Austin's tour.

**Dez's POV

I'm going to miss all the good food here in London and all the shops. I bought a lot of stuff with Louis. I'm going to miss him the most but we exchanged numbers so we'll be in touch. I loved this trip, best part was when Austin and I dressed as chefs.

**Harry's POV

The lads and I are at the airport saying goodbye to our new Miami friends.

"Well Moon, I guess this is goodbye", I said giving him a bro hug.

"Yeah, well hit me up any time while I'm on the road", Austin said smiling.

"Of course, and good luck with your tour, the boys and I will probably make an appearance", I said.

"Alright, we are stopping in Ireland", he said.

"Woo! Go Ireland!", Niall said fist bumping while Zayn laughed at him.

"Ally, Trish, Dez, take care of yourselves", I said hugging them.

"You too, and don't be a stranger", Ally said.

"Never", I said.

"GROUP HUG!", Dez shouted.

It was a 1D, Austin & Ally, and Little Mix group hug.

"It was a pleasure meeting you guys", said Perrie.

"Yeah", the girls said nodding.

Flight 1:32 to Miami please board  in 2 minutes...Flight 1:32 to Miami please board in 2 minutes....

**Ally's POV

"Well that's us, I'm going to miss you guys, it was fun being in London", I said tearing up a little.

"Yeah it was", my friends nodded.

"Well, bye", I said leaving with my friends while the people we are leaving waved to us.

This trip had its ups and downs, mostly downs, but with new friends made during this trip it was all worth while...

ERMAHGAWD!!!  I  actually finished this story!! I'm so proud of myself. I would like to thank One Direction for being an awesome band and lovely group of cute boys (Niall's mine), Austin & Ally for their amazing cast and for making me LOL every episode (Austin's also mine ;)), and Little Mix for their girl power songs and amazing personalities (Salute!♥).

The next story I will be writing will be a Ziall fanfic, if any of you would like to co-write it with me feel free to inbox me.

Thank you and goodnight and have a great summer!!! :D ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

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