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Another deafening thud shook the door behind them. Dust blossomed on impact, coating the five individuals trapped in the room. Their hearts beat in rhythm, pounding at the same rate the door was being rattled at their backs. 

"We're not strong enough to hold them back!" A dark skinned man with enough agony haunting his dreams shouted frantically, his usual confident demeanour gone. His entire body was quaking, his voice echoing the fear drumming through his entire being. 

Beside him, a lean, feminine frame pressed harder into the door. Through gritted teeth, she cursed the man. "Get it together, Curio! It's not like we haven't been in a similar situation before!"

A humourless laugh passed his lips, cut short when the door jolted again. "Trust me, if we'd been in a similar situation before I wouldn't still be a part of this stupid suicide mission."

"Messalina, Curio, cut the crap! We have bigger issues to deal with!" Another man, Octavian, leaned heavily on the door, trying to keep his body stock still, even when the shuddering door made it difficult to do so. His facial features - mirroring those of Messalina's - were twisted into a scowl, brow furrowed in concentration. Looking closely, a small bead of sweat had begun to bead on his forehead. 

"Fine," Messalina grunted, turning to look behind her. Her eyes landed on a small girl, just scraping adulthood, who was muttering under her breath as her eyes whizzed around the room. "Any ideas in that pretty little head of yours Locusta?" 

The girl barely paid her any mind, still lost in thought. Messalina bit her lip from repeating herself, groaning internally at her silence. She knew she didn't have to say it again - the heavy blush shading Locusta's cheeks told her everything she needed to know. "We need to open that portal. Now." 

At her words, nearly everyone stopped what they were doing. Only Octavian remained pushing his weight into the door, grunting at the sudden burning engulfing his upper arms. His feet were slipping backwards, palms pressed firmly against the splintering wood. 

"Are you serious? We are no where near ready for that mission and you know that." Messalina argued, taking large strides towards Locusta. She reached an arm forward, as though to touch her shoulder; Locusta shrunk back. Messalina shrugged off the pang in her heart, letting her arm immediately drop. "You know the risks if we do this too early." 

Lingering by the door was someone who had yet to speak. His once slicked back hair had sprung free of its chains, a once groomed beard running out of control. His skin was composed more of scar tissue than flesh, his eyes harbouring more horrors than anyone could ever comprehend. Now, he broke that silence. "She's right. The Black Order are attacking now, we might die before we get another chance. If I send you to another reality where Thanos has yet to take control, maybe, just maybe, it could alter our reality and erase all of this ever happening." 

Messalina and Curio gawped at the man. Even Octavian raised a brow at him, his focus split between the ever weakening door and him. 

"Strange, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Curio stared at Stephen Strange, awaiting a response. His prayers weren't answered when the doctor nodded his head. "My god, you're going to kill us." 

"No, there's only a chance I could kill you." His attempt at reassurance fell flat. Curio rubbed at the back of his neck, unable to look him in the eyes. Locusta's face remained impassive, like she didn't care about what was happening at all. She continued her mumbling under her breath, unknown thoughts slipping past her lips. 

Messalina shook her head, scoffing. "So you're just going to send us to any reality in the hopes it's the right one? Don't you realise how low the odds for survival are? We can't do this now, it's too risky." 

"For once, I agree with her." Curio pointed at Messalina, a flash of shock passing over her face. "I don't want to die. I only agreed to going on this mission because you told me, no you swore to me that you would only let us go until you found the right reality! You can't back out of your promise now." 

Messalina nodded, spinning towards Stephen. "I'm the only one here who knows how to actually get between the planes. Crossing realities is unnatural! The planes don't want us to cross, and that's why they try to keep you trapped, and lure you in with hallucinations and fantasies! I've trained to block them out; the rest haven't. If we get split up, everyone is screwed. You know if you close that portal and we're still in that plane, we'll die, or be lost for eternity." 

"If you stay here you'll die! The Black Order will destroy all of you for even having spoken to me, god knows what they'll do when they find out you're a Libertas member. If you leave, at least there's a small chance you'll survive. Our future lies in your hands." 

Silence. No one spoke, the full weight of the mission finally hitting them. Before, it was dangerous, now it was god damn deadly. With only the slimmest chance of ending up in the one reality in time to warn earth of Thanos' invasion, they realised something they hadn't fully wrapped their heads around. 

Death will soon become a dear friend. 

No matter where they end up, people will die. Whether it be their fellow members of the resistance, or the people they grow to adore in the new reality. They could even die themselves. This very thought stole all of their words, eradicating their ability to speak. 


The door shattered, fragments of wood flying in every direction. Octavian stumbled back from the impact, tripping over his feet and collapsing to the floor. Messalina snatched at Locusta, pulling her small body into her own, her hands running methodically down her cropped hair, her worried gaze fixed on Octavian's unmoving body. Curio ducked for cover behind a pillar, casting a frantic look in Stephen's direction. 

Without a second thought, Stephen started moving his hands, his skin glowing green as the stone within him powered his very being. In a blink of an eye, a shaky portal appeared, the image on the other side lifeless and dark. 

"Come on!" Stephen shouted, urging the four individuals forwards. Curio bolted for the portal, sparing only a small glance at the growing shadows in the doorway. The next second he was gone. Messalina barely had any time to halt him in his tracks, her words dying in her throat as he disappeared. She didn't let her hysteria take over, shoving it to the back of her mind.

Messalina lowered her arm, pushing Locusta towards the portal. She didn't move, staring at Messalina who ran closer to the growing shadows - and her brother. She didn't have the time to berate her, only picking up the collar of Octavian's shirt and pulling him towards the portal. Locusta stayed frozen in place, watching the Black Order emerge in the light of the doorway. With a single harsh shove with her shoulder, Messalina forced Locusta through the portal. 

"We'll fix this, I promise." Messalina swore, eyes connecting with Stephens as she dragged her brother through the portal, unaware of their destination. 

These five individuals were only connected by the same link of grief, anguish and thirst for vengeance. This link brought them together; it was their love for each other that kept them together. Now, they just had to hope that it could be enough to save half the universe. 

Otherwise it would all be for nothing.


hey guys! to celebrate my 4 years on wattpad i decided to post the prologue! some things may seem confusing now but they will all be explained later on - its the first chapter and i didn't want to drop all the plot twists straight away.  i am so freaking excited to share this story with you guys, and hope you all enjoy it as much as i do!

now i have 4 other chapters pre-written so for the moment i'll be able to post once a week but if i run out of those, i will be aiming to update at least once every two weeks. hopefully that won't happen for a while though.

see you next time, love you all!


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