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It felt as though his chest had been ripped open. Curio thought that he had experienced pain, that he was familiar with agony and accustomed to the torture of it pulsing through his body. Yet he never realised that what he had experienced was merely superficial. This was so much worse. It wasn't a pain that spread through his body gradually; it was an inferno engulfing his entire being. The pain wasn't pulsing within him - it was pounding. 

Octavian let out a weak whimper. Curio believed the weight on his shoulders couldn't get any heavier but yet again, he was proven wrong. The sight of Octavian, with his shredded clothes and clotting wounds brought him a type of torment he never believed to exist. It could've been him with his sight stolen from him, it could've been Curio whose life was altered because Locusta knocked Octavian out of the way instead. 

Why did she push him out of the way? 

Curio tried not to dwell on it much. He knew whatever her reasoning was, it wasn't enough to justify robbing Octavian of seeing the victory he thirsted after. It should've been Curio writhing in agony, not Octavian. Octavian was brave, determined and courageous. Curio was a simple coward who was disgusted with the sick relief he felt every time looking at Octavian. He didn't deserve to see colours - he wondered if Octavian would ever forget what colours were, or if they were forever ingrained in his memory. 

Octavian cried out again, a wounded animal. This time Curio reacted, gently brushing Octavian's hair off of his forehead and whispering sweet nothings. He muttered empty words of reassurance, telling him that everything would be okay - they both knew he was lying. Nothing would be okay after this. They were a long way from even skimming okay, and they both knew that. 

"I am so sorry." Curio said, struggling to get the words out of his clogged throat. His hand drifted down to Octavian's, gripping it tightly. "I promise that I'll make it up to you." 

Octavian wriggled slightly, groaning when he moved an inch. Curio felt the weight get heavier. "It hurts." 

"I know." Curio squeezed Octavian's hand, letting go of it quickly. He prayed that Octavian couldn't feel the sweat slicking his hands, or feel his thudding pulse. The last thing he wanted was to confess his feelings in a rotting tree trunk away from the battle. 

As soon as he let go, Octavian's hand started patting the air. In a timid voice, Octavian squeaked out one word. "Curio?" 

"I'm right here," Curio said, hands hovering over Octavian's chest. The shirt was now stained red, and he feared what he'd see if he lifted the material. "Octavian? I'm going to have to take your shirt off, is that okay with you?" 

Octavian nodded in approval, yowling harshly. Curio squeezed his eyes tightly shut, as if he not seeing Octavian's twisted face would ease the guilt. It didn't. 

Tenderly, Curio grabbed a hold of the shirt, gently lifting it up. The moment the material left his skin, Octavian hissed, and one glance at Octavian showed him clenching his jaw tightly. Curio let out a shuddering breath, lifting it even higher. 

"I'm so sorry," he repeated, dragging the shirt as gently as he could up Octavian's torso. The cry Octavian released told him he wasn't being careful even, and he continued apologising profusely. He hated how he was the cause of his pain, and now he was making it even worse for the man. 

Teasing the top off of his body, Curio gasped. He didn't mean to, his hands immediately flying to cover his mouth, as if to trap the words. But it was too late, and the sardonic smirk on Octavian's face told him everything he needed to know. "No more swimming trunks for me?" 

Curio wanted to reply, he really did; his words had been stolen by pure horror. Once, there had been planes of thick muscles lacerated with the occasional thin, silver scar. Now, those small scars would be masked by the gaping three claw marks across his chest. There wasn't a place that hadn't been affected by the beasts claws, and if Curio looked closely enough he could see white beneath the torn flesh. His olive skin could barely be seen beneath the thick layers of crusting blood.

He wanted to throw up. 

Swallowing thickly, he mustered a remark. "As if you could pull them off anyway."

A huff of a laugh passed Octavian's lips. It was the only noise he'd made since getting hurt that wasn't a scream or cry. "Oh how you wound me."

Curio smiled weakly, gaze shifting away from Octavian. He fumbled with his fingers, lost of words. He normally found it so easy to talk to Octavian, whether it be about something completely meaningless or confessing that he was in constant pain. Now? Now he wasn't sure what to do. 

"Are things going to be different now?" Curio's attention snapped back to Octavian. His jaw dropped, and he opened and closed it trying to find something to say. Anything to say. His brain failed him. "I really don't want them to be different." 

Octavian's voice cracked as he spoke. Curio wished he could even offer Octavian some water but he didn't even have that. He literally had nothing to offer Octavian in his time of need and he fucking hated it. 

"I think being in a different reality means change is gonna happen by default." Curio sighed, leaning his head against the bark of the tree. Blocking out the ache it caused in his head, he carried on, not fully paying attention to what he was saying, as if he was on auto pilot. "Not all change is bad. It can be good, great even." 

"I hate this different." Octavian spat. A second later he was overcome with a possessive coughing fit, his entire body shaking as his head shuddering up and down. He spluttered helplessly, hacking into his hand. Curio would be lying if he didn't check Octavian's hand for blood. 

Awkwardly, Curio reached over and patted Octavian's shoulder. He jumped under his touch, cursing colourfully and swatting at Curio's hand. Curio quickly drew his hand back, biting his lip. He couldn't feel hurt - in hindsight, touching someone who couldn't see out of the blue in a war probably wasn't the best idea. It still stung though, and Curio hated himself for feeling like that. 

When Octavian finally calmed down, he fumbled to bring himself up to a sitting position. Curio announced his presence this time and what he was going to do, and despite Octavian's protests he guided him so he was sitting safely against the bark without irritating his chest wounds too much. 

"I'm already forgetting what Messalina looks like." 

Like a dagger had hit him in the chest, Curio jerked back. The statement came from nowhere, and the sheer surprise took him off guard. Mostly, he was distraught. A flurry of things Octavian suddenly couldn't do or see hit him, and it only added to the grimness of his expression. 

He really wished Locusta saved Octavian instead. Octavian was a strong fighter, and Curio couldn't even use his power successfully to bend people's wills. He was useless in this war, and now they had lost their best fighter. Now that Octavian was on the sidelines, their defeat was being written in the stars. 

He just prayed that it would at least be a good story. 


hey guys! it's really weird to think that there's only 6 chapters left of this story, and then the 4 deleted scenes. i am really sad to be nearing the end and i can't wait to return to the story for endgame!!

i was wondering if anyone has anymore questions? its no worries if you don't since i still give like a "fun facts" section that ngl i get very excited about.

anyways, hope you're all doing well! hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you guys soon!


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