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Anxiety was building in Octavian's gut. He was watching helplessly, along with Eitri and Groot as Rocket climbed into the pod, with Thor clinging to the hull of it. He couldn't bare to think what would happen if the god of thunder died in the endeavour - as far as Octavian knew, he could be the key for stopping Thanos. If he died, then everything Libertas had worked so hard for would Collapse. The mere thought made his stomach churn. 

"Wait!" Octavian said, waving at the pair. The two stopped what they were doing, turning their attention onto him. "This is really dangerous. Is it necessary?" 

"It's very necessary. With a threat as destructive as Thanos, we must ensure we have the ability to vanquish him. This is the only way." Thor went about tying a knot of rope to the pod, his hands working quickly as he carried on. "Besides, it's rather fun, isn't it?"

"Hell yeah it is." Rocket lent out of the pod door, addressing Octavian directly. "Look I get your scared or whatever, but it'll be worth it."

Octavian simply nodded, his silence interpreted as approval as the pair continued with their work. He couldn't stop his hands from shaking as Rocket shut the pod door, and Thor clung to the outside of the pod with little protecting him from the dangers of this foreign planet. The pods engine began humming, and Octavian swallowed his protests as the pod went into the air, Thor still attached to it. 

They were adamant on going through with it. Octavian just prayed that everything turned out the way it should. 

Octavian couldn't hear any of what was going on, watching tensely as Thor jumped from the hull of the pod to the ring surface. The cable was in his hand, and swiftly he began to swing the cable around, sending the pod flying in circles. If it had been any other kind of situation, Octavian would have been snorting at the thought of Rocket stuck in that pod, screaming as he was being dragged around at a dizzying speed. 

Eventually, Thor relaxed his grip on the cable, allowing the pod to fly straight away from Nidavellir. Thor was dragged behind it, shards of metal flying into space as Thor's feet dug in, desperately trying not to be torn away. 

Octavian held his breath. 

The fire from the pods engine grew, and from the way Thor was gripping even tighter onto the rope, Octavian knew that the pod was moving faster. A loud creak filled the air at the action, and Octavian's brows furrowed at the sound. Another creak snapped the silence, and it was only as the rings slowly began to move that Octavian realised the source of the sound - it was from the rings. 

It was working. 

Octavian held in his cheers, but he couldn't hold back the smile growing on his face. Maybe everything would be alright after all. 

"Well done, boy." Eitri complimented, gaping in amazement as the feat Thor just created. Octavian held the same awe. Here was the proof that Thor Odinson was a god - he brought life back to a corpse of a planet. 

VENI, VIDI, VICI • INFINITY WAR/ENDGAMEWhere stories live. Discover now