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Isabelle watched her brother jog away, a happy skip in his step. She smiled but it quickly fell when remembering why he was so happy. She couldn't help feel terrified at the prospect of her brother being harmed. She knew he was a Shadowhunter and had been through the same process but she couldn't help but resent their customs when her sweet little brother was being put in danger. She let out a distressed sigh but she couldn't dwell on it for long because the alarm went off. She pulled herself together and made her way through the ops centre.

"What's happening?" She demanded, joining the other Shadowhunters at the monitors.

"Unidentified beings outside. They're approaching the institute but the wards can't decipher them." The women explained, watching as two heat signatures grew on screen. Isabelle went into action immediately. She tapped her bracelet and the snake came to life, gliding into whip form. She grasped it securely before addressing her fellow nephilim.

"Get Alec and tell him what's happening, keep on high alert. Some of you, with me." She commanded and the other Shadowhunters acted on orders immediately. With her whip at the ready and backup secured, Isabelle strutted towards the entrance, grasping the handle and shoving it open.

Two figures stood before her. They were armed but didn't look to have harmful intent. Still she proceeded cautiously, whip hissing as she stepped closer. With a quick sweep she could see they were both Shadowhunters as the runes stood out boldly on their skin. The shorter one had unusually blue hair and bright cobalt eyes that were round with uncertainty. Although he was slim in frame, his toned Shadowhunter body displayed his competence as well as his trigger-happy fingers. The taller one had a sense of wisdom surrounding him and his confident stature. He was broader than the other and had unruly dark hair accompanied by a pair of bewitching hazel eyes that didn't waver. What struck Isabelle the most about the taller one is how much the boy reminded her of Alec.

Once assessing the levels of danger, she spoke up. "Who are you? State your intent." The two nephilim looked shocked for a moment - the older one recovering quickly and straightening. Isabelle noticed the same strategic turning in the boy's head that she saw in her brother's. The blue-haired boy frowned and opened his mouth to speak but the older one held his hand out to stop him.

"I'm Rafael, this is my brother Max. We are Shadowhunters from the LA institute. We're sorry to arrive unannounced but my brother and I were hoping you could provide shelter for us? We're on mission and it didn't exactly go to plan." he replied convincingly. Isabelle studied his expression and would have been convinced had it not been for the slight confusion behind the smaller one's eyes.

"You sure your stories match up? This institute is on high alert. If you are not being truthful we will have no problem removing you from the premises, especially if you are Valentine's men." Isabelle cautioned.

The smaller one paled. "Valentine?" he whispered shakily and Isabelle felt herself waver at the fear that reached the boy's eyes. He looked young - his name being Max jabbed at that terror she felt for her brother once again. Isabelle watched as the older put a comforting hand on the smaller's shoulder.

"I assure you we have no harmful intentions. Call the LA institute if you don't believe us. We need time to heal and regroup - we lost two others in our team and the downworld is at risk." Rafael insisted sincerely. Max looked to his brother, trying not to give away how confused he was and hoping he'd guide them through this.

Isabelle glanced back at the other shadowhunters ready to defend before biting her lip. She couldn't detect any malicious intent on either of them. If anything she felt a strange feeling in her gut - one that insisted she could trust them. "You can come inside but we will be contacting your institute. We must insist on the tight security as we had a recent threat of a mole. Be warned that if you so much as touch your blades you will be cut down in a moments notice." Isabelle replied coolly. Rafael's lips quirked and Max seemed to relax.

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