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"I'm sorry, okay?" Max pleaded.

"I've told you so many times how reckless you are, do you have no self-preservation?" Rafael snapped.

"I just went into warrior mode, I didn't have time to think about the odds when they were right there! I knew I was the only one there who could defeat them, I did what I had to do okay?" Max replied angrily as they exited the infirmary. Rafael let out an angry breath and Max thought he was for sure going to punch him. However he was tugged into a tight hug instead. Max winced a little as his bite was still tender though it was healed.

"You're infuriating." Rafael sighed, a fondness creeping into his tone.

"Love you." Max mumbled, feeling grateful that his brother had got there in time to stop him bleeding out.

"I love you too Maxie." Rafael smiled and pulled away.

"I want to go home." Max sighed, the relief ebbing away. He'd been feeling homesick for a while now and although the idea of travelling in time was exciting, their circumstances were less than ideal.

"I know, me too." His brother agreed, their family would be worried sick about their absence. "How's your magic?" Rafael whispered, changing the subject.

"Half recovered. Should be back by the end of the day." Max reassured. Rafael nodded.

"Okay good. Let's go, Dad wants us in the ops centre." Rafael informed and fell into step with his brother, overly aware of Max's slight limp. They joined Clary, Jace, Isabelle and Alec as they were explaining the problems with tracking.

"... for some reason it didn't work." Clary finished.

"Magnus' wards are up. Valentine must still be in the city." Jace added and Max noticed the way Alec turned away from their papa's name.

"Thank the angel for Magnus and the warlocks." Isabelle sighed and Rafael noticed Alec's face darken further at Magnus' name. He knew instantly that Alec's reply was going to be snarky.

"He didn't raise the wards for us." He stated bitterly and Max closed his eyes, exasperating at his father's pettiness.

Isabelle rolled her eyes and continued on topic, "Teams are out doing block by block sweeps throughout the city. We'll find him." Isabelle assured. Everyone went quiet, Jace turning to Clary. Rafael and Max made their way to Alec and Isabelle.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Alec asked and greeted Max with a tired smile.

"All good, luckily the poison from the bite was extracted before it could do permanent damage." Max grimaced.

"I've never seen anything like it." Isabelle frowned.

"Hellhounds are rare and can only be summoned by a greater demon, namely a Prince of Hell." Rafael explained.

"Who could have sent them?" Isabelle asked, concern clear.

"We don't know yet, we just know that they were targeting Shadowhunters." Max lied. He and Rafael both knew Asmodeus had sent them but that would raise too many questions.

"One's still out there." Alec mused unhappily.

"Nice job on taking one down. How did you do it?" Isabelle praised and Max flushed.

"There's a vulnerable spot between the ribs." Rafael cut in. "It can still be banished to hell like every other demon but they're resilient."

"They can only be banished with adamas combined with the spell though." Max thought worriedly. He had to make sure Alec didn't assign the case to anyone else because they wouldn't be able to handle it.

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