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"holy shit." Jace breathed into the silence.

Magnus' jaw was dangerously close to unhinging. Lightwood-Bane? It sounded so tantalisingly sweet. Could it really be possible? Those two boys standing in front of him ... his boys? His sons? Magnus' eyes began to sting with the possibility. He'd never had a family - none other than his chosen friends. To actually love and nurture ... he felt like he'd collapse from joy. Could he really be so lucky after all those lonely centuries? To raise children with ...

Magnus' eyes darted to Alec. The Shadowhunter was already looking at the warlock with shock and ... hope? Raising children with Alexander. Magnus didn't think a perfect sentence could exist. He swallowed thickly as he held his nephilim's gaze. He didn't think he could be this shocked more than once in one day. Sure, finding out that a Shadowhunter would have kids in the future wasn't so hard to grasp but ... a queer Shadowhunter and Downworlder having children together? It was unheard of. Magnus held back the urge to whimper and fall into his Shadowhunter's arms. He and Alexander were still on the outs and the future wasn't definite. The promise of what they could have was so sweet but the decision was, still, ultimately theirs in the present. The sweet became sour in Magnus' mouth.

Alec hadn't torn his eyes away from Magnus since the boys had uttered their names. A warmth bloomed in his chest and started a fire in his heart. He was determined to have that future with Magnus. He wanted his beautiful warlock and he wanted him forever. Never before had he felt such motivation to do something - to fix something. All those times he cleaned up after his siblings, everything he was determined to fix, the Lightwood reputation, his wedding. Nothing compared to the burning need to have Magnus again. He was in love with him and he wanted to eventually raise children with him. Alec turned back to Rafael and Max with a softened gaze. These children.

Magnus, impatient to know whether they were telling the truth, stepped closer and hovered a sparking hand over the boys. If it was true ... Magnus swallowed and let his magic work over Rafael and Max. He felt his breath hitch when he felt Rafael's blood pump and reveal the years of Lightwood genes coursing through his being. Not only that but Magnus' magic was accepted readily by Max's - a familiar gesture built over years of nurture and trust. There was a bond there, one formed naturally by Warlocks over years of familiarity. Magnus' throat clicked as he withdrew and a tear or two escaped as he looked at his children.

"It's true." He croaked.

Max couldn't help the tears in his eyes when he saw the recognition and acceptance on his Papa's face. He couldn't help himself as he pulled Magnus into a tight hug. He'd been starved of his parents' affection for days stuck in an unknown world. He wanted his father's comfort. He didn't want to be hurt by the nonrecognition in their family's eyes any longer. Rafael joined in, wrapping his long arms around his brother and father, cradling them both in their emotional state. He gave Alec a watery smile over Magnus' shoulder. Alec found a smile creep onto his lips and he ducked his head, feeling affection consume him.

Isabelle couldn't help but let out a sob - it was everything she wanted for her brother. It was fair to say that everyone's eyes were shining. All the scepticism was erased by their trust in Magnus and his power. Alec was a father and he had a future with Magnus if he pursued it. Clary and Simon shared a smile, happy for their friends. 

Isabelle felt a wave of relief befall her - similar to the one she felt at Alec's wedding. She always knew someone would love him heart and soul. Now he had that love and the promise of a family. She knew Alec would, like he had for his siblings, love them with everything he was. She thought her brother deserved the world after everything he'd been through and now he had it.

Jace could no longer deny the truth. He felt happiness for his parabatai - knowing he had a future to look forward to. Not to mention he could get Magnus back. He'd been so miserable without the warlock. Jace could feel Alec's pain through the bond pulsing for the last few days. So much so, that Jace could almost always feel a diluted version of his ache. He didn't want Alec to fall back to his repressive days. He was so worried he'd close off again but no, he was determined to march on. He was so much stronger now. Jace had never given enough thought to his brother's emotions since they tended not to talk about them. However, he could tell Alec was never really living - never really feeling before he met Magnus. He recognised the difference when he felt genuine joy through the bond for the first time. The fact that Alec had never felt truly happy before had made Jace sad and pushed him to support Alec in his relationship and leadership. He would do anything he could to help them if only to feel that joy through the bond again. 

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