They kissed you for the first time.

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Let's say you guys weren't dating but he had feelings for you, so what happens when he kisses you for the first time.


You were in a classroom finishing up extra work with Akashi for your (worst subject) class. He was helping you understand the material that you didn't know when all of a sudden he was just staring at you. You look at him and wave your hand in front of his face.

"Akashi? Are you alright?" Akashi grabbed her hand gently and held it.

"(Y/n)..." you stared at him. "Do you know what love is? Have you ever felt it?" You blushed at the question and turned.

"Well...I mean....I don't know. Why are you asking that?" Akashi got up and walked to the window of the classroom.

"Because I am interested in someone. Or at least I thought I was. At first i thought it was interest but I know it's love." You looked at Akashi surprised he was telling you this. You walked towards the window and stood next to him. "What do you think i should do to get her attention (Y/n)?"

"I don't know." You were a little jealous that some girl got Akashi's attention."Just show her how much you love her and she can't say no." Akashi smirked.

"Is that so?" Akashi suddenly turned to you and lifted your chin with his thumb to face him. You looked into his beautiful eyes before you noticed he kissed you. You were shocked but kissed him back closing your eyes hoping the kiss would last. You two soon pulled away for breath. "Are you gonna say no (Y/n)?" You blushed.

"'m not." You looked down still embarrassed from the kiss.

"Good, but just to make sure..." Akashi made you look straight into his eyes again. "I order you to be my girlfriend."

You were walking down the hall when you saw Aomine talking to the basketball team. You started walking over and listened to their conversation.

"Wow Aomine you still don't have a girlfriend. We all at least had one. Your going to be single all your life." Said Wakamatsu as he smirked at Aomine.

"Oi, I do have a girlfriend so shut the hell up!!" You were surprised Aomine was yelling and acting like a child with them.

"Oh really? Than where is your so called girlfriend?" Watamatsu crossed his arms waiting for Aomine to explain. Aomine looked around and spotted you. He ran over to you and dragged you towards the basketball team.

"(Y/n) is my girlfriend." Aomine smirked.

"She is?!"

"I am?!" You looked shocked too. Aomine winked at you asking for you to play along. You sighed before nodding. "Yeah Aomine is my boyfriend." Aomine was praising you for helping him.

"If your really boyfriend and girlfriend than prove it. Show us that you two are a couple." Wakamatsu smirk got wider.

"What do you want us to do?" You looked confused.

"KISS!!" Momoi screamed before running down the hallway. You blushed at the thought of kissing Aomine. Aomine smirked and turned your head towards him before planting his lips onto yours. You were shocked at first but soon melted into kiss, completely forgetting that the basketball team was watching.

"Alright I'm convinced. She's your girlfriend." Wakamatsu shrugged as you blushed finally remembering that they all were watching you and Aomine.

"Come on let's leave the two love birds alone." Imayoshi smiled before taking the team leaving you and Aomine alone. You turned to him.

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