You acted like them

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Alright so you are gonna act like them and we are gonna see how they react to your behavior. I know I'm gonna love this chapter.


Akashi finished up his shogi game and noticed that you had been very quiet for the whole day.

"Huh? I wonder what my queen is up too." Akashi got up and went to find you. He noticed a big chair in front of a desk and the clanging of pieces. "(Y/n)-Chan?" You turned around in the chair and smirked.

"Hello Seijuro-Kun." You went back to what you were doing. Akashi walked towards you.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing Shogo." Akashi was surprised at your answer. You turned around. "You know Seijuro, I could seriously test my skills against another." You took out (F/c) scissors and gave them a snip. "I order you to play with me." Akashi smirked.

"Oh are you ordering me around?" You gave a small chuckle.

"Yes I am, are you defying my orders Seijuro." Akashi noticed you were acting just like him. You walked to him and placed your hand on his chest while leaning him against the wall. "If you don't play me you'll get a punishment."

"Heh, if I played, you would lose." Akashi took your hand. You stepped back.

"Wrong Seijuro. I am absolute, a empress, I will win. My orders are absolute after all." You went to the Shogi board. Akashi was still shocked.

"Maybe I should change the way I act around her."

Aomine came home hoping to have some time with his cheerful girlfriend. He put his basketball bag down and smirked.

"Oh (Y/n)" Aomine waited for you to respond but it never came. His smirk turned from a frown to worry. He started looking for you around the house calling your name. He finally found you sleep on the couch. "OI, (Y/n)." You woke up and gave him the lazy look he always gave you.

"What do you want Daiki?" You spoke in a monotone voice. He looked shocked.

"What's with the voice?" You sat up and took out a magazine.

"Your starting to get annoying Daiki." You smirked. Aomine stared at you. He sighed.

"Don't you have (activity) today?"

"I don't need to go, if I go I'll just get better, than no one will ever beat me in (activity)." Aomine was shocked at your statement.

"I can't believe she said that." Aomine took off his shirt.  You looked at Aomine up and down. He felt your stare and turned to you. "What?" You stared at his stomach region.

"Your abs aren't very defined." You stated with a smirk.

"OI, I have amazing abs!!!" You rolled your eyes and took out a magazine to read. Aomine took the magazine.

"OI, give it back." You tried to reach it but Aomine kept it out of your reach. He opened it and looked through it. It was of hot Male models with gorgeous bodies and abs. "Give me back (Male model name)-Kun."

"How many of these do you have?"

"A whole stash. Now give it back." You jumped up and finally got it. Aomine frowned.

"Why do you have these magazines?"

"Because (Male model name)-Kun has a hot body. Like how Kagami's body is well defined. How come your body isn't a toned and well abed like Kagami's!!!"

"OI, mine is better than Kagami's!!!" Aomine couldn't believe you turned into a pervert that loved abs.

"How about this Daiki? We play a match of basketball, if I win you let me keep my magazines. If you win, I'll get rid of them." Aomine smirked.

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