You met them for the first time (oneshot)

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Ok so you guys are probably wondering what I mean by oneshots. Well I'll explain it so you guys get it. In the disclaimer I said I would be also doing these oneshots. I don't mean they gonna be long but I mean all of them are in it and it isn't a different one for each of them. So that's all that it is. In oneshots for this, you won't be dating them but they may like you. You will socialize with all of them and not just one. So let's begin.
You were walking around the park and taking in the view of the beautiful sky and the birds chirping. You smiled brightly.

"It's so beautiful out today." You kept walking till you felt a basketball hit your foot. You stopped and picked it up. "Where did this come from?"

"Excuse me." Said a voice. You looked around but couldn't pin point where it was. "Behind you ms." You turned and saw a boy taller than you with light blue hair. You looked shocked.

"Oh, scared me." You tried to calm your racing heart.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." The boy looked at the ball. You caught the hint.

"Oh this is yours. Here." You gave him the ball.

"Oi Kuroko, what's taking so long?" Another boy who was tall with dark red hair came towards you two. You looked surprised at him.

"Sorry Kagami-Kun. I'm coming back now." The boy who you found out as Kuroko said. He turned to you and smiled at little. "Thank you for giving me the ball back." You looked at Kuroko.

"Oh...yeah." You nodded. The two started walking back to the court. There you saw another boy with red hair, a boy with dark blue hair, a boy with green hair, a boy with purple hair, and a boy with blond hair. You knew who the blond was though. You seen him in magazines. "Wait a minute, is that Kise Ryouta?" You looked shocked and saw him playing with the other players. You realized something. "Hold on, are they the generation of miracles?!!" You pulled out your old copy of basketball monthly and saw Teiko's generation of miracles. You than pulled out your new one and saw Kuroko and Kagami on there. "Holy crap that is them."

"Kise!!!!" You heard. You saw fangirls running to the court. You sighed.

"Oh no." You started making your way over there.

"Whoa it's Kise."

"He's so hot."

"All of these guys are hot."

"Marry me." The 7 guys looked mad.

"Oi Kise, your fangirls came." Said the boy with dark blue hair. Kise scratched his head.

"Sorry Aominecchi." Said Kise. You pushed through them and got in front of them.

"Stop stop!!" You yelled getting all of their attention. "Come on, he's playing basketball right now. He can't do what he want for two seconds without you girls coming at him? Don't he get enough of y'all during the day?!!! Leave the man alone to have fun with his friends." You stood your ground glaring at the girls. The leader of the fangirls came towards you.

"Excuse me but you are talking to the president of the Kise Ryouta fan club and I don't like the way your talking to me." The girl got in your face. You took the Kise button that was on her shirt and threw it far where it landed in a moving car.

"Go get it. Fetch." The girl glared at you and ran after the button with the other fangirls.

"You'll pay for this!!!" The main fangirl yelled and ran off. You sighed and turned around.

"I'm sorry if she ruined your afternoon."

"No it's fine thank you uh...."

"(L/n) (Y/n)" You finished Kise's sentence with a smile.

Kuroko no Basket What Would Happen seriesWhere stories live. Discover now