You two did a dangerous activity

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You read the title? Than let's see how you and them would react to doing a dangerous activity. I know they might not seem like dangerous sports or activities but I picked them because something bad can happen if not careful while doing it.
Akashi- Skiing

You and Akashi was going up the sky line with your new (F/c) ski suit. Once you two made it to the top you looked up over the mountain and all the color drained from your face as you backed up.

"Why are we doing this!!?" Akashi chuckled.

"Your the one who said you wanted to try something different." You glared at him.

"When I said we should try something new I thought it would be like a game or a new TV show, I DIDN'T MEAN WE TRY A NEW ACTIVITY WHERE I CAN POSSIBLY DIE!!!" Akashi wrapped his arms around you.

"Your not gonna get hurt. I promise." Akashi smiled. You sighed.

"Fine, let's do it." You grabbed your ski equipment and started walking towards the mountain. You started walking backwards. "I change my m--AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" You started skiing backwards down the mountain. Akashi went after you. You tried to turn around and almost hit a tree. You finally turned around and balanced with one foot. "WHY DOES BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEEE!!!!" Akashi got next to you.

"(Y/n)-Chan grab on." Akashi extended his hand towards you. You grabbed onto him and he pulled you to him and onto his back before he started dodging the trees down the mountain. "Hang on." You grabbed onto him tightly and once you made it down the mountain you started kissing him all over his face.

"Akashi thank you so much I love you." Akashi smirked and held you bridal style before kissing you on the forehead.

"I believe I deserve a reward for such a act." Akashi kissed you passionately before starting to carry you back to the Ski resort.
Aomine- Sky Diving

You, Aomine, and Touou were currently in a plane ready to try out the sky diving that Momoi had suggested. You had on all the protective gear and a parachute ready. Aomine had the same but was shaking at the thought of jumping out of a plane. He looked back at Momoi and you.

"You must be crazy if you think I'm jumping out of this plane." Aomine held on tightly to the seats of the plane.

"Your the one who said 'I would rather jump out of a plane than go on a date with you." You smirked repeating his words. Aomine trembled.

"I was just joking." Aomine started backing up but imayoshi was there and wouldn't let him leave. Momoi giggled.

"Well Dai-Chan this is where you jump." Aomine laughed.

"You aren't getting me off this plane, I'm strong and won't budge a inch while you are just a little girl Satsuki. You can try to convince me all you want to jump down there but you won't get me out. I'm Aomine and your scared of frogs." The plane with silent as Momoi held a glare. Aomine looked at her with shock before she lifted him up and went to the door of the plane. "(Y/N) AVENGE MY DEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTHHHH!!!" Momoi threw Aomine out of the plane. You just stood there shocked.

"Yeah, ummmm. I change my mind." Momoi nodded.

"Ok, oh (Y/n)-Chan what is that?" You looked confused as she pointed to something out of the plane. You walked over.

"What? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Momoi kicked you out the plane.

"Have fun!!!" Momoi yelled loudly at you. You continued to fall and saw a speck under you. You increased your speed as you heard screaming getting louder and louder till you reached Aomine.

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