You two played Granny

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If you don't know what granny is, it's a mobile game (well I only play the mobile version.) Where you have to try and escape the house by getting keys and unlocking the door. You have 5 days to get out or she eats and murder you. She chases you and if she catches you, knocks you out for a day. There is a easy, normal, hard and extreme mode, each mode she gets faster, the house gets darker, and the door is harder to open. It even has a secret ending. Now that you know what this horrific game is, let's see how you and the basketball heads act.

Akashi does it on extreme and gets everything to unlock the door. He even gets the secret ending and beat it all on the first day on the first try. You sighed.

"I thought you said it was scary. If it wasn't gonna be scary you could have at least made it challenging." Akashi gave you back your phone. You looked at him with shock.

"I can't even get the first lock to open on easy how did you beat the whole game on extreme on the first day." You still stared at him. Akashi smirked at your face.

"Because, (Y/n)-Chan, even when I play video games." Akashi pulled you on his lap. "I never lose."

Aomine was playing it on normal. He was on the third day and was almost at the end.

"Wow that granny is mad scary. She be popping up out of no where." Aomine continued to play.

"I know and I hate it." You saw Aomine open the door to a room and granny was in there. You screamed and Aomine closed the door on her before grabbing the master key. He laughed.

"Ha you scaredy cat." You glared at Aomine as he continued to play the game. He soon got to the door. "And I won." You pouted.

"Not fair, I can't even beat it on easy." You crossed your arms. Aomine chuckled.

"Well (Y/n) you already know this but. The only one who can beat me-"

"Is granny, you didn't actually leave the house." You pointed to the screen. Aomine turned and all he saw was granny knock him out with the baseball bat before she ate him and the game ended. He jumped. You laughed at him. "Yeah, call me when you do win against her." You kissed his cheek and walked out the room while he groaned.

"Man, this granny." Aomine started the game again. "She's not even scary." Aomine saw the lights turn off in his room.

"You want to play hide and seek?" Aomine heard the granny's voice. He ran out the room. "(Y/N) I'M NOT PLAYING ANYMORE!!!"

Kagami was on easy and he completed the game with difficulty. He than tried it on normal and lost on the 4th day.

"What?! There is no way she heard that dust bunny fall!!" Kagami yelled as he got frustrated with the game. You walked in and heard Kagami playing granny. You walked towards him and saw he was trying to sneak around granny. You grabbed him from behind scaring him.


"AHHHHHH!!!!" Kagami screamed and the granny caught him. Kagami turned to you.

"You scared me." You giggled.

"I'm sorry but you were so into it that I had too." You hugged him from behind and watched him play again. This time he lost on his own.

"She did not hear that little key fall on the floor!!!" Kagami glared at the granny and picked up a vase to try and kill her. You laughed at how hot headed he was.

"Kagami, she's going to-" you stopped as you saw Granny turn around and smack the shit out of Kagami. Kagami tried to throw the phone but you grabbed it in time and took it so all he threw was air.

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