i | lauren

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I really didn't expect him to be there, not at all. Not after everything that's happened. He probably knew that the Institute was behind the bombings in the country. Behind all the mass murders. Surely Spencer let them know about the video chat the night after the... incident.

Why was Aidan there? Surely he didn't think it was for anything good.

Maybe I wouldn't have felt this horrible if the Institute had me under there control while I was with him. Why, oh why did I say that he probably would've recognized that I was under control from the Institute because of my eye colour. Why did I suggest that he probably would've had a better chance of coming back if it was the regular me that talked to him?

I probably would've dealt with this differently if I knew my actions didn't come from my thoughts.

I glanced to my side to check the time. 6:15 AM. Mom was probably waiting for me in the dining hall, since I was supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago.

Why do adults need to get up so early in the morning?

I attempt to get into a sitting position with my body sore and my brain tired. Mom said it was important for me to get a full eight hours of sleep each night. Since leaving the medical wing-hospital part of the Institute, it was more like I gain eight hours over the course of a week.

There was a soft knock on my door. I gulped, knowing it was probably Mom. She was the only one that ever really knocked on my door these days. Everyone else just bursts in if they're sure I have clothes on. Or maybe that's just coincidental.

The door opens before I could respond. Like I thought, Mom was on the other side but she wasn't alone. Mr. Miller, Alyssa's dad was there too.

"Morning, sweetheart. Are you alright?" My mom's sweet voice asked. The tone was something that took some time to get used to; I still wasn't too familiar with it. "What's bothering you? Nightmares? Cramps?"

"Reality," I mutter, tossing the covers off of myself. I wanted to pull my sweat-covered pajama top but that wasn't a choice with Mr. Miller in the room. My hands then travel to the straps on my right arm, which apparently monitor my heart rate and strength. I still don't understand how, but the Institute is capable of a lot.

"Let me help with that." Mom walks towards my bedside, hands out to aid me.

"No, Mom, it's fine." I yank my arm away before she could help. "I know how to take them off." The third out of six was already loose. "Is there a reason why you're in my room?"

"Your mother and I are worried about you, Lauren." Mr. Miller walks up, next to my mom and puts his arm around her waist. She accepts it like it was normal. Like she wasn't already married with two kids. A grin appears on her face. I gag.

"Don't you have a daughter of your own to take care of?" I shoot back, climbing out of bed. "Can you leave so I can go change or take a shower or something?"

"Sweetie, get back in bed. I don't want you up today. Rest." Mom was being awfully sweet right now. I didn't if I should obey her. Probably not, but she looked worried.

"Mom, I'm fine. What's wro-" The room suddenly blurred and my head started feeling dizzy. I stepped backwards, my hand reaching for the wall. Rushed footsteps then filled my ears and I soon felt my mother's long fingernails press on my skin. 

"Lie down, sweetie," Mom said, helping me towards my bed. "Lie down, you aren't well."

"What's going on?" I asked as I was slowly lowered down, my head touching the pillow. I rub my eyes and the ceiling comes back to focus.

Mom starts stroking my hair back, Mr. Miller strapping the monitor-thing back on my arm. "You need rest, sweetie. Your body needs actual rest, not just you staring into space for seven hours straight."

My heart was pounding, was I really that scared? She was kind of freaking me out... was the Institute going to do something to me?

"Mom, please just tell me," I pleaded.

"Meet us tonight at headquarters, Lauren," She said, ignoring what I said. "Close your eyes, sweetie. You deserve the rest."

I didn't realise my muscles were tense until I finally relaxed. Exhaustion flooded over me. I did feel tired.

What were they doing to me?

Mom kissed my forehead, her lips soft and gentle and smelled of strawberries. She stood up and placed the covers over my body, then walked towards my door, Alyssa's dad's arm around her waist once again.

I didn't close my eyes just yet. I still had no idea what that was for. All I really knew was that my bed felt nice and welcoming and I was exhausted even though I felt fine not even fifteen minutes ago.

I shifted my position, lying on my right side. Were they still on the other side? Could I invade on their conversation?

They were. The adults were right in front of my door, talking in hushed voices.

"She was there for too long, Auston. Her mind keeps wandering to them when she's thinking on her own. She has other responsibilities but doesn't realise them yet."

"Julianna, everything will be fine. She'll realise what's important sooner or later-"

"We aren't going to be able to tell her what to do for long-"

"But that's what-"

"He's going to pull out soon enough."

"Not if he wants her alive."

The conversation didn't make sense in my mind. Was it because of the exhaustion or were they just saying words that didn't make sense without other context? Who was "he" anyway? Aidan? Tyson? Spencer?

There was a pause before the conversation continued. Were they gone?


"Are you going to tell her yet?"

"Lauren has always been her father's little girl. Before and after everything she's been through. I can't let her know about the divorce yet, it's just going to make her lose focus even more."

I couldn't breathe. Mom and Dad had a divorce? When? What? There were so many questions in my mind. I knew their relationship was a bit rocky but... but it's all over now?

Did she leave Dad for Mr. Miller?

"Hopefully things get fixed today. The wipe can't fail twice on her, right?"

"What?" I said, a little too loudly.

The conversation stopped. It became so quiet that I could hear one of them place their hand on the doorknob. 

But I wasn't even able to see their faces, red with anger or something. Everything felt heavy, my vision went blurry. I knew what was coming, it was something I experienced too often to come as a shock for me.

My lights went out, everything went black.

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