xiii | lauren

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I was sure he was going to actually use his brain this time - did he realise that the fate of the entire world rested on his shoulders and on the tips of his fingers?

I wanted to scream and possibly punch that stupid face of his. But I couldn't move at my own will and was forced to do what Mom and Auston wanted, I don't think they'd like if I punched my... fiance in the face.

No. No, that's not what we are. I know it was true but is just felt so... weird. There were knots in my stomach the entire time we were sitting in the dining room - even when we just entered the building. I just wanted to get out of there without having to face the people I actually loved. The looks on their faces when I entered were shocked, yet I could tell they were expecting it.

But as we get out of their, I know that part of my life is planned out. I know that the Institute is one step closer to what they want. I know that things aren't going to get easier from here, especially on me. I might not know all of the details here on out, but I'm confident nothing is going to end up good.

One of the castle workers took the contract from the table, but Auston told him to put it down. He took the contract himself, making sure that the blood was dried, and put it in his briefcase.

"That's all for tonight. I'm sure that we will cross paths again," Auston said, standing from his seat. Mom followed him though I remained seated. I didn't want to get up. No one was forcing me to.

"Why don't the three of you stay the night?" King Jacin suggested. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, like I thought he was. Why don't we just bring the enemy into our home. I'm sure they won't do any damage. Yeah, great idea.

I could tell that Auston wasn't keen on the idea. Mom was quick to respond. "We'd love to."

Immediately, I wished that Auston was the one to respond - which is probably one of the only times, probably currently the only time - I've agreed with him. I didn't want to stay. I didn't even want to come. I can't spend a night here, not with all my... friends here.

Jessica already started to try and talk to me while we were waiting for the boys. Even if I wasn't mind controlled, I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't know what they thought of me, which probably wasn't even good. I couldn't stay. Don't make me stay.

The king turned to the butler. "Please show them to the guest rooms."

"We can't stay," I said, finding my own voice. Was I free? Can I just go on my own back to the Institute? "I don't have anything to wear... for the night..." I looked down at my dress, which was made of lace.

"I'm sure there's stuff in the dresser," Tyson said. "We always have extra."

I shoot him a dirty look. Why, just why?

"This way, please." The man gestured to follow him up the stairs. I finally got up from my seat and trailed behind the two adults. Mom put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her.

"Don't leave your room tonight," She whispered into my ear. "Don't do anything stupid."

- - -

My eyes are on the city. I don't think I get around enough these days, or pay attention like when I was in the car.

Everything is destroyed. Everything. What was I staring at out the window in the car if I wasn't focusing on the goddamn city.

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