iii | lauren

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"GET THESE KIDS FROM THE ORPHANAGE, UNDERSTOOD?" Auston looked directly at me as he said that. The man insisted I called him that from now on, but it felt weird on my tongue.

Brandon stood to my left, Kelly on my right. The three of us were in his office, receiving instructions for tonight. I couldn't help but notice that the room was a mess, with papers scattered all over his desks and the floor.

I didn't want to agree with that he said. I didn't want to do it. Any of it. But I really had no choice. Before I got to think of what I was going to say, my mouth spoke for me.

"Understood," I replied as the list of names appeared on the little screen in front of my eyes. The list wasn't too long, maybe fifteen names on it. I glanced at some of the names, and one stood out in particular.


I had to read the name again, not sure if I read it correctly? Was it actually Cole's younger sister? Did Ana actually put her in an orphanage? She wouldn't, would she?

"Yes, that is your... ex-boyfriend's younger sister." The man said to me, basically reading my mind, answering the question that was on the tip of my tongue. The one that I probably wasn't going to be able to ask. "Figured that since she wasn't wanted by her older sister, she can reunite with her father and the siblings she hardly spends time with."

I wanted the scream. Rage built up inside of me, but I guess I looked perfectly calm on the outside. It's amazing how the Institute was able to control me so easily. Was I not fighting back hard enough?

I guess not. I wasn't exactly fighting anyone at all these days.

"Where and when do we meet, commander?" Brandon asked. I knew he was going to ask that. I made him ask that.

The Institute had me under control, and I have everyone else under my influence. I was strong enough to do that. That's why they needed me so badly.

"Ten, sharp," I stated. "At the front entrance, if you don't mind. Tell Alison and Ross to meet up there, too."

"Got it," Kelly said in response.

Auston paced the room, rubbing his hands. Was there anything else he wanted to say, or can I just leave right now?

I tucked my hands in my pockets, with them becoming cold from the exposure of the air from the air conditioner. It didn't really feel like summer to me. It certainly didn't look like it, with the sun barely shown through clouds of dust. Was like this for everyone, or is it just because I stuck in this building in the middle of no where?

"Kelly, Brandon, you are dismissed," Auston spoke finally. "Lauren, stay behind."

I didn't look back but I knew the two were gone as quickly as possible. The door shut closed behind them, leaving me in the room with Alyssa's dad. My sight didn't move from him.

"What do you want?" I asked, finally finding my own voice. Mom or someone else must've let me go. "Make it quick, I'm not staying long."

"You better watch your mouth, young lady," He snapped back. His green eyes looked at me closely, sending chills down my spine. The specks of grey in them did not help to make them less frightening.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

"My, Lauren, I was just going to ask you how you're doing after last night." The anger faded from his voice, his eyes became softer. "Your mother was going to ask you, though she's quite busy these days, with all of our new patients."

After last night? It was more like yesterday morning. But either way, waking up today felt... unnaturally good. My muscles weren't as tense as they were usually, my brain didn't feel like it was being attacked by a hammer every now and then. Every step I took felt like I was walking on clouds. Who knew what they did to me but at least, unlike usually, I don't wake up feeling dead.

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