x | aidan

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WAR. The Institute wants to start a war. For what? Probably control of the kingdom. Why? I don't know why.

I want to ask Dad or Mr. Olsen or maybe even Spencer. They all seem to know the gist of what's going on. But something tells me that they won't spill anything. A lot of the conversations about the Institute has been kept quiet, only said between the adults. I understood, but was eager to know.

Since the report on the news about Tyson, Lauren and I using our powers, the public has being pestering the King to come forward and explain. Of course, he couldn't just explain that easily. He couldn't just reveal everything after so many years, could he? Only when we really have to, things should be revealed.

What really annoys me is the fact that Tyson isn't involved in any of the conversation - and it's mainly about him. I'd be fine with the world knowing about me and my powers - it's just one less thing I have to keep confined.

Plus, Sofia went missing again. Again. Tyson's a mess after that, too. We're all worried, but all have an idea on where she is. But none of us are willing to go back there.

One thing that's still on everyone's mind is Alyssa.

She's gone. She's gone. And she's not coming back.

I keep having to tell myself that.

Alyssa's been like my sister. She's been closer to me than my actual younger one, the one we send off to boarding school every year as a precaution, to make sure she doesn't find out about my powers and to make sure she doesn't become part of the experiment herself. Yeah, I was her age when I found out about the whole experiment, but I don't want her to be involved in it.

It's different when it happens to someone you care about, compared to yourself.

Alyssa's gone. She's dead. And it's all my fault.

I can't get rid of the guilt in my stomach. I can't get her off my mind. Her death is all I can think about and it keeps me up at night - that, and her mother crying in one of the rooms next to mine.

I'm worried about Aunt Grace. I'm worried about Tyson. I'm worried about probably every person that's involved in my life.

"Aidan." Dad walks in my room, without knocking. "Phone for you." He tosses me the landline.

Who uses the landline anymore? "Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Aidan! Finally! I've probably called every day this week, and you never seem to want to talk to me. I thought you loved me!"

I sit up on my bed, rubbing my eyes. "Jordyn. Hey. I'm sorry, things aren't going that well here."

"What's wrong?" My sister sounds like she doesn't know a thing, but I'm sure she does. Dad probably told her, if she was calling everyday this week.

"I'm sure you know."

Her voice suddenly becomes quiet. "I miss her already, Aidan. What happened to her? When was she shot? Why?"

I couldn't tell her all the exact details. That would just lead to more questions. What do I say, that it was just some random shooting on the street, that we were there at the wrong place at the wrong time?

"I'm glad you weren't the one that was hurt, Aidan. Did they arrest the killer?"

I definitely couldn't tell her that Lauren was the one that pulled the trigger. Jordyn loves her like the older sister she never had.

"No..." Was all my voice could manage. I wanted to burst into tears, but I couldn't while talking over the phone. I couldn't let Jordyn know that I was hurt, still. I'm sure she could already hear the pain in my voice.

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