Chapter 14

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Peter POV

I still can't believe she killed my dragon! And now she 'demands' me to let her go. She's spoiled.

She was quiet when she finally figured out I wasn't letting her down. I carry her for about an hour or two. Finally, I saw a creek. Water. We need water. I was hot and sweaty. And this hood wasn't helping at all.

"We're taking a break" I said.

"Wait wha-" before she could finish her sentence, I drop her to the ground. Literally, drop her.

"Ow!" She exclaims as she lands hard on the ground.

I walk to the creek and put the bag and my sword out of her reach. I can't hold the rope forever...

I see a tree right by the creek, perfect.

I take the end of the rope and tie it to the tree. "You're treating me like an animal" I hear her mutter. "That's because you are one" I snap back. She glares at me as she walks over to the creek. Her lips looked dry and cracked.

I leave her be by the creek for her to drink as I walk a few feet from her.


No response. Dang it. I need him.

I don't know if you can hear me, but I need your help. What am I suppose to do now?! Return her? Take her to our castle?

There was still no response.

I sigh and walk back over to the princess. I sit next to her, but not close enough for her to choke me or something.

We sit in silence.

"Okay, I can't take it anymore! I'm sweaty, tired, hungry and so confused. And, I might never get to see my family again... And now I have this man controlling me with a rope and I don't even know his name or what he looks like! I'm going insane!" The princess tells me angrily.

"You're sweaty, tired and confused?! You barley even walked! I'm so confused right now! The voices in my head are gone!! Every last one of them! And plus, I can't even get in touch with the master mind behind all of this! I'm the one that's going insane!" I yell back at her.

She doesn't say anything.

"Voices?" She asks, breaking the silence. I huff and turn away. "This whole kidnapping idea was based off voices inside your head?! You're right, you are insane!" She snaps.

She lays down and and closes her eyes. "Just kill me now" she mutters.

We sit in silence once again. I look at her I see a single tear run down her face.

I sigh. This is totally not what I planned.

Then, out of the blue she asks, "what's your name?"

My name? She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Out of all the questions that you can ask, you ask for my name?" I ask.

She shrugs.

"Well, I just can't call you 'my kidnapper' in my head all the time" she replies.

"Peter" I simply say.


"Peter, that's my name"

"Huh, well, that's much better than kidnapper"

Then I realize, I don't even know her name.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly.

She hesitates before answering.

"Amber" she says.

Amber... I like that name. I knew it started with an 'A'. She started to slide towards the water. When she was close enough, she kicked off her shoes and put her feet under the cool water.

"Wait... Peter... The boy who ran away" Amber mutters.

I stiffen.

"Wait, what did you just say?" I say, my full attention on her.

"Didn't you run away when you were young?" She asks.

"Yeah, that was me... How did you know?!"

"Well, it was the talk of the kingdom for about 6 months. I heard that your father died trying to find you. I think You're mother killed herself.. She probably felt guiltily"

"Wait, they searched for me?"

"Of course they did. They're your parents. They even got half of the kingdom to search"

"What happened?"

"The kingdom gave up, saying it was a lost cause. You're father didn't give up though. I heard he was killed by a mysterious force... Just old tales though. You're mother couldn't take care of the farm by herself. I think she sold it and killed herself. She was a nice women" she says quietly.

I sigh. They looked for me? They cared? A smile grew on my face. They actually loved me!

But then I frowned, they were killed. Looking for me.. So they basically died because of me...but also because the kingdom gave up.

Anger filled me. I started to shake violently. "Uh, are you okay?" Amber asks.

My blood started to boil. I stand up. I needed to punch or kick something. I feel my body heat up.

My powers, I won't be able to control them. I look down and see electricity spark between my fingers. I scream out in frustration and blindly strike a bolt of lighting.

I hear a scream, a female scream. I turn around and see that I hit Amber. Well, almost. I nicked her arm but the lighting has burn the rope to ash. She was free.

But I didn't concentrate on that now. Electricity was still flowing through me. I needed to control my anger. I take a deep breath but nothing works. I scream out in pain again. I back up, but end up tripping over a log.

I start to fall backwards. I then feel water consume me. I must of fell into the creek. But my powers still coursing through my body. The pain was unbearable! It felt like fire going through my body! I must be getting electrocuted! I try to scream out, but just end up choking on water.

I start to sink to the bottom, my powers finally stop. The pain was still spiking through my body. My lungs were filled with water. I couldn't breath. Blackness starts to come into my vision.

I'm going to die! Oh crap!

I panic as my body was in terrible pain and the lost of oxygen. I try to hold my breath, find some kind of way to live. But there was nothing to live for. Nothing to hold onto.

I release the last bit of oxygen I had, I then land at the bottom of the cold, dark creek.

I let myself drift away into darkness.

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