Chapter 26

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Amber POV

"Why?" Asked my father for the sixth time.

I sigh. James left awhile ago, saying he had to run an errand. Ever since Peter left, the guards beaten me to the ground and dragged me to the throne room. I've stood for more than a hour. Questions have been asked and accusations were made. Mary had attended to my newly formed wounds. My mother and father didn't say anything until now.

Good job.

Shut up.

Now that I helped you by giving you extra power and a plan to free Peter... You owe me.

Yes, yes. We'll get to that later. But then you'll leave me alone, right?

No respond.

I sigh as my mother motioned the guards and Mary away. They left without a word. I watch them leave as the king and queen take a seat. A hear the heavy throne doors close with a bang.

"Amber" my mom say gently, "Talk to us, please."

I didn't dare to look up at her, not because I was ashamed. But because I couldn't bear to see the look of disappointment in their eyes. Instead, I look out the huge windows, watching the sky turn into a light pink as the storm goes away. It's sunset.

"Look at us" The king snaps angrily.

I don't move.

"Now!" He yells in frustration.

I slowly look up at them. My mother still looked ill and tired. She should be in bed right now. Her brown hair and small gray streaks going through her hair. She had bags under her worried-filled eyes.

I then look at my father. His face was framed with anger. Like he was looking at a puppy who peed on the rug. His eyes were cold and hard.

"Amber, give us some answers" the king ordered.

"There isn't anything to be said" I reply.

"There is lots to be said. How about we start on why you took down more than half of our guards and released your kidnapper?!" My father asked.

"And also how, how could you of took down so many guards?! Your a princess, not a soldier! You wouldn't harm a fly!" My mother exclaimed.

Well, here goes nothing.

I slowly and carefully explain how I trained my whole life. How I killed monsters in the woods and hid my sword under my dress. I went on and on about how I would sneak into the library at night and read about sword-fighting, plants, animals, and creatures.

When I finished, there was total silence.

"How... I didn't... But...I thought you stopped when you were younger... " My mother was at lost for words.

My father stands up angrily and suddenly from his throne.

"WHAT?!" He yelled at me. "YOU'RE A DISGRACE!" He yells again, his face turning red.

My mother puts a hand on his shoulder. She whispers in his ear and he starts to calm down a little. After a minute or two, my father sits back down, but says nothing.

"We are very disappointed in you. This is not how we raised you" my mother says sternly.

"But I love to fig-" I start.

"Amber, you are the princess! You must put the kingdom's needs in front of your own at all times! It doesn't matter what you love or want, it's all about what the kingdom needs" my mother raises her voice.

I was a little took back. She never raises her voice or gets mad. Ever. She has so much patience, but now...

"We were worried sick about you! We thought you were dead! We sent search parties for you and spread the word! We were devastated!" My mother tells me.

I look down at the ground.

"And we finally find you and caught the man who took you away from us, but then you free him and take down most of our guards! Let me remind you Amber, we are the ones on your side! He kidnaped you!! He harmed you! And yet you freed him??" My mother yells, her voice shook.

I close my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. I would much rather be locked up in prison than to hear my own, sweet, quiet mother yell at me. It was the worst feeling in the world.

No wait, I take that back. Losing Peter was the worst feeling in the world.

I open my eyes and look up at them.

"I'm- I'm sorry." I say, my voice cracking.

My mother says nothing. She just looks up at the ceiling.

"Sorry?!" My father snaps. "That's all you have to say?!" He asks.

"No..." I begin, but I drift off.

"Then what else?!" He snaps.

"I- uh- I-" I start,

Leave. Now.

No, I can't. They need to know everything that happened so Peter can be innocent!

You'll ruin my-uh- our plans!

"Amber?" My mother asks.

I snap back to reality and look at her.

"I'm in love with Peter" I blurt out.

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