Chapter 20

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Amber POV

I've been walking east for about... Um... A while?

Stupid trees. I can barley see the sun. It could be late afternoon for all I know. Plus, I'm starving! Maybe I can find some berries.

I keep walking through the thick forest, I lost track at where the smoke was and I'm hopelessly lost.

I step over logs and large rocks. God I hate this forest-

Just then I trip over a branch and fall hard onto the ground.

Pain spikes from the ankle. The pain was getting worse! Maybe I really did break it that day. If it is.. It won't heal properly like this.

I groan from the pain. It hurts. I drag myself onto a rock near by. The pain was unbearable.

I'm going to die.

I'm I being over dramatic?


But in a way, it's true. I might actually die out here. I'm hungry, no source of water anywhere, and I have nothing to defend myself with. Plus, I'm totally lost, I should if took the map at least.

I unwrap my 'cast' on my ankle. Part of my ankle was swollen and it didn't look good. That ointment I made earlier would of helped if I had it with me... But I can't really remember if I ran out or not. I rub it, causing more pain, but I needed to help it out a little.

I rewrap my ankle and hope for the best. Please God, let there be a doctor stuck in these forest as while... And maybe a proper meal?

I sigh as I stand up and continue on my journey. Sitting around won't do anything. I can do this my self.

I start to walk again, but at a very slow pace. There's no way I could walk faster than this with my ankle.

I walk for about another thirty minutes. Where the heck are these guys?! Are we even sure we saw real smoke? I can't do this. I need a break. I need food. But in the back in my mind, I knew I couldn't let myself fail. I can't die. It's just not who I am. I'm strong, and smart, and a great fighte-

My thoughts were interrupted when I see a big, fat, and long, muit-colored snake.

I cruse under my breath. So much for not dying.

It was hanging on a low branch, just about ten feet away. But the snake it self looked about seven feet. It was a huge snake. I couldn't kill it. It would eat me whole.

Maybe I can try to get around it.

I slowly walk to my left. Slowly. Very slowly. I don't think it has seen me yet.

It's hard not to trip over anything as I advance around it. Keeping my distance, I try to move a little faster. I needed to get out of here. I was so freaking scared.

I watch it's every move, not breaking my gaze at it as I almost make it out if it's reach. Just a couple more steps and I'll be able to break out into a run.



One more step...


I cruse under my breath as I look down. I stepped on a branch. The snake whipped it head towards me at the sound.

It locks eyes with me.

I'm screwed.

I panic and break out into a full out run. Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap

I wasn't even watching where I was going anymore. I just ran randomly. Twisting and turning.

I think I lost him! Ha!

I start to slow down a little bit, but then my foot slipped on some moss on a rock and my legs couldn't keep me up right.

I brace to hit the ground as I fall.

But then as I fall, I see I'm about to fall down a mini cliff.

Oh shi-

I start to roll and tumble down the hill.

Branches hit my face, my legs, my whole body. I hit my head a couple of times.

I close my eyes as I keep rolling and hitting stuff down the cliff.

Finally, my body stops rolling and I end up on the flat forest floor again.

If I thought I was in pain before, this is much, much worse. I cry out in pain from my whole body.

My whole body was shaking, I look down and see my legs bleeding, scratchy and cuts all over them. My arms were stinging and were as bad as my legs. My head was fuzzy and half of my body was numb.

I cry.

It hurts.

It hurt so much.

I can take away the pain.

I freeze.

Who was that?

"Hello?" I croak out as loud as I can.

Hello Amber

"Who's.... Who's there?" I ask. What the heck?! I'm so confused... And hurt... And-


Did this guy just finish my thoughts?

Hello? I ask myself, in my head.

I'm still here.

How are you in my mind?! Who are you?!

That's not important right now.

You're in my head! How is that not important?!

I was going to continue, but a fresh wave of pain comes over me.

"Peter?" I ask out loud. I need him.

You don't need him. He abandon you. He abandoned the both of us. He's a traitor. We need revenge. I have a plan.

Get out of my head!

"Peter!" I cried out.

Where's Peter?!

How am I suppost to know?! I'm not apart of him anymore.

Then the gears click into place.

Wait! You're.... You're the voice!

I guess, yes, I'm a voice.

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I practically yell in my head.

Peter was telling the truth. He -the voice- was in my head. Crap. This isn't good. What happened?! I need to get him out.

You know I can hear your thoughts... Right?

What do you want?!

Revenge, same as you.

Before I could reply, a big wave of pain comes over me again.

I can take away the pain.

I feel tears starting to come.


Accept me.

Excuse me?

Let me take over you. You're mind at least.

Haha, no way.

You need me.

No I don't. I don't need anyone. I can handle this pain by myself.

You don't even know the beginning of pain.

Yes I do-

Just then, pain like a never felt before, coursed through my body. I scream so loud that I bet half of the forest could hear me.

You are mine.

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