5) Back At The Orphanage

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As the clock struck four, a raven haired, silver eyed girl snuck back into a closet, and onto a shelf as everyone stirred. The door was thrown open to reveal a certain redhead.

"Lilyanne? Marilynn? I got worried when I woke up and you weren't there," Annalise looked to be on the verge of tears. Marilynn grew concerned. Not for Annalise, but for whether or not said girl actually killed her cat. Especially after hearing about the demon. Marilynn wouldn't be surprised if the demon possessed the redheaded blue eyed girl.

"Annalise?" Lilyanne asked from the floor, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Annalise nodded. "Is Marilynn on a shelf again?" Annalise glanced up onto the shelf before nodding again. Lilyanne groaned as she sat up. Annalise walked out, probably to breakfast, as Lilyanne started following her, but glanced back at Marilynn. Said girl groaned and fell off the shelf, and onto her face. Lilyanne grinned slightly as Marilynn pushed herself up.


Marilynn was fiddling with her dagger. She couldn't let people see the knife. People were scared enough of her as it is. She would have gone back to the animal shelter, but she didn't want to risk any of the animals. So she was hiding. Or she was until the door was of the closet was opened. She quickly hid the dagger behind her back, expecting to see Lilyanne. She was completely shocked to see Annalise. The raven haired girl was even more shocked to see the redhead looking the way she did. Annalise's hair looked like a bird's nest, and she generally looked like she was going insane.

"Help me," Annalise whispered. Why she needed help, Marilynn was not sure. Maybe Annalise was like her. Maybe she could speak to the dead.

"Would you like to elaborate on that topic?" Marilynn felt like pulling her dagger out to scare the girl standing before her.

"I feel like I'm going insane." That caused Marilynn to raise an eyebrow. Annalise sighed before continuing, "There's this girl who keeps appearing. She wants me to help her. She somehow controlled me into killing your cat. Then today a different girl appeared. She told me you could help." For the second time that day, Marilynn fell off a shelf and onto her face.

"What did the two look like? Quick this is important." Annalise stared shocked at Marilynn's outburst. She had been doubtful that the raven haired girl could help her. But the outburst might have proved her wrong.

"I couldn't see the first girl. She appeared more as a voice. The second one looked more like you. Only more like a warrior. And golden eyes," Annalise shivered. "The golden eyes scared me."
Marilynn cursed under her breath. She pulled her dagger out from behind her back and stood up, "If you want to live, you have to follow me." She pushed past the redhead who was frozen in shock, and grabbed a jacket before leaving the orphanage. Annalise quickly followed, out of fear for her life.


Marilynn led Annalise outside, much to her confusion. Marilynn glanced back, before taking off into the forest. Annalise let out a small yelp seeing how fast the raven haired girl could move, before running after her.

"Can you see the cat?" Marilynn asked as Annalise crashed into her.

Annalise gasped, "Yes, is that your cat? Amber?" Looking at Marilynn's pale face, that seemed to be growing paler (if that were possible, the girl was as pale as a ghost) Annalise grew weary. "Is that a bad thing? Am I going to die?"

"Andrea! Get your butt over here right now!" Marilynn screamed glaring into the trees. This made Annalise wonder if she was the sane one. She was proven wrong when a girl, the one that told her that Marilynn could help, came forward from the trees where Marilynn was glaring.

"You called?" The girl asked. Marilynn pointed to Annalise. "Ah, yes, hello Annalise, I'm Andrea." Annalise forced herself to look into Andrea's golden eyes.

"What's happening to me?" Annalise whispered, not missing the glance Andrea and Marilynn gave each other. "What's happening to me?" she asked again, with a more demanding tone this time.

"We believe a demon, Annabelle, is trying to possess you to kill Marilynn, and have complete rule in the land of the dead," Andrea replied.

"Annabelle? Like the doll?" Annalise's question caused Andrea to facepalm and Marilynn to burst out laughing. "What?" Annalise asked confused.

"That was the same response I had," Marilynn stuttered out between laughs.

"I think it was word from word," Andrea put in grinning. "Annabelle is not a doll. She is one of the most bloodthirsty, power hungry demon to ever exist. You must be very unlucky if she wants to possess you."

"No kidding," Annalise murmured. "Is she the voice I keep hearing? The one that wants me to do all those bad things?"

"You're only hearing her voice?" Andrea and Marilynn screamed in unison, which Annalise found odd. Usually only twins do that type of thing. She nodded nonetheless. "That's not right unless..." Andrea trailed off deep in thought. So deep in thought that she fell backwards.

"Um, Andry? What is not right? Cause personally I don't think any of this is right," Marilynn started to rant about how Annabelle shouldn't be trying to kill a fifthteen year old girl who had already lost everything.

"We need to start your training Mari, as soon as possible. And it would be best if you got some training to Annalise," Andrea stated causing both Marilynn and Annalise to stare. 

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