Preference: How They React To You Being Curvy

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A/N: I'm writing this because being a curvy girl, I feel underrepresented in the writing part of the community of a fandom. No matter what a scale says, you are absolutely beautiful and you do not deserve to get that taken from you. Numbers don't determine your worth 



~ He's super awkward about it

~ Doesn't notice until you are being hard on yourself

~ Not the consoling type

~ But he tries really hard, I promise

~ "It's the size of your heart that matters, not the size of, uh, anything else."

~ Small compliments

~ Compliments in the form of body language and gestures

~ Tells you that you always look beautiful

~ Reassures you that your size doesn't matter

~ Growing journey for both of you 


~ He's not really sure how he feels

~ ESPECIALLY after you were on the list

~ He loves your curves... A LOT

~ But 

~ He just doesn't know how he feels

~ Comes around though (Don't worry)

~ Hands almost never leave you

~ Always makes sure you know how amazing you are and look no matter what

~ He grows a lot, finds out more about himself

~ Bedroom time is pretty fun ;)


~ Hard for him to swallow

~ Doesn't want to ruin his image

~ Eventually just stops giving a shit

~ Constantly reminds you that you're beautiful

~ Always makes sure you're happy

~ There for you on your worst days

~ He reassures you

~ Actually super loving

~ Does everything he can to hep you feel better about yourself

~ Hands always trailing your body



~ CANNOT keep his hands off of you

~ Loves every single inch of you

~ Hands never leave your body

~ ALWAYS reminds you how amazing you look

~ Loads of butt grabs

~ Hand is always on your hip

~ Boob grabs

~ LOTS of bedroom fun ;)

~ This boy cannot get enough of you


~ This boy

~ ThIs BoY

~ Actually God sent

~ Does everything in his power to make sure you know you're beautiful no matter what

~ Loves your curves

~ Compliments you ALL THE TIME

~ Hands are always on you

~ Loves having his hands on your hips

~ Small gestures to remind you that your curves are amazing and he loves them

~ I need me a Jeff


~ Lowkey in love with your body

~ Super chill and act like he doesn't notice

~ But

~ He LOVES them

~ Super chill and small about public compliments

~ But man

~ Behind closed doors

~ His hands are ALL OVER YOU

~ Butt grabs

~ Boob grabs

~ Arms always on your hips

~ Bedroom time is always a fun time ;)

~ I want me a Zach


~ Loves your curves

~ But doesn't know how to comfort you

~ Usually just small gestures to make sure you know you're beautiful

~ Once he gets more comfortable, he's more verbal with reassuring compliments

~ Hands are always on you

~ In a loving way, of course

~ Kisses your problem areas

~ Literally loves your body


~ The literal sweetest I swear

~ Doesn't notice (or care) until you're harsh on yourself

~ Immediately denying whatever nasty things you're saying about yourself

~ ALWAYS complimenting you

~ Reassuring you're beautiful with small gestures

~ Impromptu photo shoots

~ He loves you and your body

~ Doing everything he can to make sure you know that your curves make you beautiful

 Please get me a Tyler

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