Preference: How They Ask You Out

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Clay:  Clay asks you out over text. After the Crestmont first encounter, you two have been talking every day. Although you and Clay live in the same town, you go to a private school that's located a few towns over. You now lived with your dad, but you're not demoting from a prestigious private school to sucky public school so you commute over 45 minutes every single day.

*Text convo*

Clay @ Crestmont ;) : So what's private school like?

Me: Well, it's strict but fun. It's very productive and everyone actually cares about their work... unlike what I've heard about most public schools

Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Yeah, like no one in my classes actually care, its like, me a few others that really try

Me: That's literally not heard of here. If you slack, you get kicked out. It's pretty serious LOL

Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Damn hahaha

Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Hey, are you busy Friday night by any chance....?

Me: I should be, why?

Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Would you like to go out to dinner? My treat

Me: Alright, sounds like a plan kiddo

Me: I'm glad you didn't forget to ask for my number ;) xD

Alex: Alex asked you on a date during his little surprise band room visit. You were practicing your Oboe solo for the Winter concert but it also an audition piece for the state band. The days to the audition and concert grew closer and closer and you were growing more and more nervous by each passing day. You asked the band director if you could have the band room to yourself to practice during your free period and he agreed. It was the longest period of they day which at first was a great idea in your mind. But mistake after mistake was being made and you grew increasingly frustrated. You replaced the reed to see if that was the issue, and alas, it was part of the issue! You kept practicing the piece over and over again. Marcello Concerto in C minor was the only sound in your mind and in the room, you were fixated on this piece of music, so it was no surprise you didn't hear the door open. You finished the last eight measures and you looked at the sheet music with a pleased smile forming on your face. You let out a sigh of relief.

"Wow, that was amazing." A voice said. It startled you and you fell off the chair and onto the floor. He ran over and helped you back up.

"Uh, thanks *laughs*" You replied as this mysterious boy helped you up. When you were stably on your feet, you looked at the boy and holy hell was he cute. Bleached Blond hair and a gold septum ring, 'He's my type' you thought.

"Is that for the winter concert?" He asked.

"Yeah, and it's my audition song for the state band." you replied.

"Well, if you do what you just did, they'll have to let you in." He said, which made you blush. A few moments of awkward silence passed before another word was broken.

"I'm sorry about scaring you, I'm Alex by the way."

"I'm Y/N. It's fine, I was just so emerged in my music that I didn't notice the door open."

"Hey, this may seem a little too straight forward, but are you busy after school today?" He asked.

"No, why?"

"I was just wondering if you you wanted to go to Monet's and grab a drink and...uh...chill...?"

"If you're trying to insinuate that you're asking me on a date, then it's a yes." You replied with a smirk.

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