Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Elle's POV

"No! You don't know a thing! How could say such things? I'll never believe you! You're a fucking stalker and I hate you!! Never let me see you ever again!!" I throw him out of the dance studio.

"Elle! Please! Just listen to me! I'm trying to protect you!!" He knocked on the door hard.

"Go away!! I hate you!! Fuck off from my life!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears started streaming down my face.

Well that's the end of my friendship with Mr Stalker. It's stupid of me but I had to. He just push my button and that's when I snapped. So you wanna know what happened? Basically this happened.



Someone was knocking on the door. I was just preparing to pack all my things before heading from after dance. I walked towards the door and saw Mr Stalker standing outside. I suddenly felt happy inside. I don't know why but it's like I missed him. Too bad he still like Eliza. Omg! What the fuck am I thinking?

I opened the door and smile at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I just want to apologise about that time. I know you might ran away from me but-"

"Woah! Hold up! I did ran away but I thought you were kidding about it. Am I right to say that?" I cut him off.

"Actually.. Yeah.. I am.."He looked away.

I guess I should believe him right?

Or is it you want him to stay with you?

The heck? Pfft! Of course not!

Yeahh right. Say someone who's already falling for him.

"Anyway... I was about to leave but I gotta change first. So why not you come in and take care of my things first while I go to the ladies and change?"I suggested.

He then nodded in silence.

After I change, I felt something in my right pocket. I took it out and it was letter.

'For Mr Stalker'

Oh Shit! How could I forget about this letter?

I tap my fingers on my forehead for forgetting the letter I wrote for him. Oh please if you're thinking I'm confessing to him then you're wrong. I was just writing this letter because I feel like it. Like how close we get and how much I like him being with me even though he's still creeping me out and all those things.. OKAY!! I'M GONNA ADMIT THIS ALRIGHT! I LIKE HIM! THERE I'VE SAID IT! And yes! I'm writing this letter as a confession. Yeah yeah call me old-fashioned but I lobe writing letters and he's like the first guy I decided to write a letter too!

I walked inside the dance studio and he's nowhere to be found. That's weird but his jacket is here. Maybe he's in the toilet? Hmmmmm.. Maybe.

Now's the time right? To slip this letter in his jacket right? I smiled thinking of that. I wondered how he will react. I quickly put the letter inside his jacket pocket. But then the letter didn't went fully in as something stop it from going in.

I took out the thing inside it and found pieces of papers. I looked at it properly and it's a newspaper that has been cut in pieces. I looked at the news and it's about Eliza. Why would he kept this in his pocket every time? I scanned at the few pieces of paper and then I found a note.

'Eliza = Elle'

My eyes widened after I saw that note. Something's wrong. Why would he wrote that?

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