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"I was always scared for the outcome."

"The out come of my powers."

"I found out something less then pleasing."

"My ghost side made me partial immortal."

"I grew slower in age then anyone else."

"While my friends looked 25, I looked 15..."

"And when I gain more aspects of being 'full' ghost."

"I started to age slower and slower."

"Until it stopped."

"I watched them grow old and die."

"Watched time past."

"As I stayed the age I was."


"I stoped aging at 18, which really ment I was suppose to be around 60."

"I watched new heros appear."

"And my home diseaper."

"Ghost finishing their business, and others fading."

"But I stayed."

"Through the pain."

"A ghost that looked vamp."

"Had a human half."

"I gave my spot on the throne to another ghost."


"She stayed with me through it all."

"But now I don't see her much."

"But I do see these new heros alot."

"The Justice League."

"But it looks like I was caught."



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Her; Danny Phantom ((meme))

Danny Phantom didn't become evil. But Immortal. To the point he didn't age. What he didn't feel was love. His feelings of love went with the graves of his family and friends.

He only has fruitloop and Dani. Dani being the new 'king' of the ghost zone(queen). And Vlad missing.

Taking a break he goes to Gotham. The place that build over his old home, Amity Park.

He watches as heros all around rised and helped. Save everyone around the world.

Danny Phantom. Now resigns as the writer of the book Amity's Ghost.


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